S.S.O 5.5 D1GP : Bkt Jalil

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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 4, 2004
Like many other auto enthusiasts, I myself went over to Proton R3's event, S.S.O 5.5 + D1GP S.E.A over at Bkt Jalil today with my pal spoonsir. As expected, there were thousands of ppl over there. When I arrived, Kazuma had just finished doing his demo and was changing his clothes with Tsuchiya. Managed to watch the practice sessions ( single drift and tandem drift ), also got to see the King of Drift and Japan's D1GP 2005 champion walked in front of me. The it was the King's and Kazama's 2nd demo, with Kazama finishing up with his Rodeo - style drift!!! Here is what I find exciting, what I find lacking, what I find stupid and my comments on Proton R3's event :

The good parts :
- Managed to only HEAR The King of Drift's comments on the practice session a bit.
- Managed to SEE The King a bit ( well, I was so FAR away! )
- Managed to SEE The King and 2005's Japan D1GP champion drift!
- Managed to SEE the 2005 champion's signature rodeo - drift!
- And yes, managed to see our own 1st tandem - style drift as well.

What I find lacking :
- Why must The King and Kazama run from the changing room, to the commentators's area, then run back again, change clothes, go demo, then run again back to sign a few posters etc?

What I find to be simply bad and stupid? :
- Who designed / commision the track / changing room / commentator's area? The track is ok, but to me, I find the rest of 'em really bad!
- This event was done under Proton's banner ( which is our country's no.1 automotive company ). Since it's done under Proton, why can't you guys make it a proper one? The King had to run to and fro a few times? What are you thinking?
- Why didn't the events follow the schedule as posted in R3's website? Come on lah, so many manpower, some more under Proton banner, and you guys can't follow your own schedule?
- We have The King of Drift and Japan's ( where the D1 sport came from! ) 2005 D1GP champion here. Why didn't you guys let the enthusiasts interact with the 2 of 'em? I'm sure you guys ( the event managers ) must have at least seen a few vidoe clips of D1GP races ( whether at Japan or US ) and MUST have seen how the enthusiasts interact with the judges and drivers. You must also seen how they run their D1 races. So, how come what we had today doesn't even come close to any of 'em?
- It was stated in the schedule that at around 5.00 pm, the King and 2005 D1GP champion will have an autograph session, and later on, bfr 6.00 pm, will do a demo. What happenned today? Demo went on around 6.30 pm++ or so, when a few minutes bfr that, Lan Pet Pet said that there is an autograph session going on. Well, I went over, waiting in line like others, only to SEE WITH MY OWN EYES, Tsuchiya and Kazama walking out from the changing room with their race gear to the demo cars! I was like, " What the fuck? " What is this? So many manpower, but still can't follow your own schedule and your fellow commentators don't know and what time, what will happen etc ah? I sure that The King himself is disappointed with that!

I, like many others, is very disappointed with R3's event today. I find it very surprising to find that, an event backed by Malaysia's no.1 automotive company, is UNABLE to follow their own schedule. They did not run the event as good and as proper as it should have been. Not forgetting, rude officials / staff ( I'm sure of that, since the guy is wearing an R3 shirt with his name " Subi " sewn on the shirt ). We all know that, the kicker of this event is the appearance of The King of Drift and Japan's 2005 D1GP champion, doing their demos, signing autographs and taking pics with their fellow fans. Sadly, that did not materialise. This is what I feel appropriate for the event :

:shades_smile: - for the drift demo by the King of Drift and The Champion...
:banghead: - for how they placed the changing room etc. Come on, commentators area using a lorry?
:sheep: - for the brains behind the event. Is this how you run an event with the appearance of 2 major ppl of D1GP?
:cry_smile: - for NOT letting us fellow fans to see The King and The Champion in front of us, singing autographs on our posters and letting us take pics with 'em...

If, they charge, let's say RM 10.00 per entry, I am more than happy to pay RM 50.00 for the event, if I am able to sit and clearly view the event, and later on able to get The King Of Drift and D1GP's 2005 champion sign on my posters and let me take pictures with 'em both, or maybe RM 75.00 to do all that and be close to the action, like those so - called true fans and those officials wearing R3's shirts. So, you guys here at ZTH, what do you think? Did you go there? To you, how did the event go?
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Old Is Gold
Senior Member
Dec 9, 2003
wahh...RM50 entrance?god damn luckily i sprained my ankle....for some reason...i have anticipated this kind of things to happen...the standard of malaysia's events are just so so....


1,000 RPM
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Sep 4, 2004
SataniC said:
wahh...RM50 entrance?god damn luckily i sprained my ankle....for some reason...i have anticipated this kind of things to happen...the standard of malaysia's events are just so so....
err bro, the event was free, what I stated there was if I was charged 50 bucks and get to see and doo what is promised by the event itself, I'm happy to pay up... :regular_smile:


Known Member
Senior Member
Apr 25, 2005
You know la Proton. Is there anything that they have done it right? :p


Known Member
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Jan 9, 2005
well, a big it is not easy to organise a big event, but this is under proton, somemore it's a big event like everyone know, so they all should well prepared for it. well it's really not easy to get a nice place to watch the drift, but no regret for being there today two, bcoz can watch the 2 japanese guy drift together...just...they are so damn good in drifting man. just hope next time they can organise it better la...


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 22, 2005
ace79 : well it just depends on how u see it ... its free of charge to enter so live with it

yeah yeah yeah the event roxx thanks to all the sponsors ( proton , R3 , haltech and etc ) who made this event possible ... i really appreciate it ...

got to meet both the drift king , Keiichi Tsuchiya and d1 champ , Yasuyuki Kazama
and took PIX WITH THEM , and autographed event posters .... it wasnt easy ... but hey its a free event ...

the drifting was awesome especialy watching the R3 waja and s15 being drifted by them .... and not to forget the local drifters too drifting and judged via D1 format ... ( or so it seems , cuz during the briefing Keiichi Tsuchiya explanined the rules and terms of judgement )

and if that wasnt enough ... i met blackhowling and manage to get him to start up his awesome ride ( Toyota Supra ) and hear the 2JZ roar ....

i will upload the pictures and videos tomorrow since im tired after standing under the sun from 2pm - 7pm ... the best day i had as a motorsport fan ( car freak , w/e ever floats ur boat ..... ) i experianced yet and once again would like to sincerely thank the sponsors for making this event possible !!!


'(^^)|Most Awesome Member
Senior Member
Nov 14, 2003
I heard yesterday while the cars were drifting, 3 mat rempits rushed into the arena with their rempit machines....

also, i'd like to comment... perhaps in future events, they can have at least an exit route for exhibitors or team members cars parked inside.. not everyone will stay to the end... thus, forced to do so coz cannot get their cars out


500 RPM
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Sep 12, 2004
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haha... I just back frok the event... Not bad actually... But i stand in the

most in front , so manage to shake hand with the drift king... Im so lucky... Nice to c the 2 japanese guys drifting... C lively is different with seeing in the vcd... haha...

Overall the event is consider quite ok...:)


1,000 RPM
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Sep 4, 2004
thteh86 said:
to be honest....no offence, but is it that easy to actually organize an event? A BIG EVENT?
I am talking from experience. I myself have organised and single - handedly financed 2 successful scooter - related events, with managing to organise a legal ( legal by the means of : sign of approval from local PDRM, Belia, Majlis Perbandaran Muar, local hospital etc ) auto scooter sprint contest ( which also happened to be the 1st ever legal scooter sprint event in the Peninsular Malaysia ). I know how hard it is to handle such large group of ppl ( both of my events managed to secure over 200 signed participants and around 400 - 500 walk - in ppl as well ). It's done under Proton's R3 banner, so to me, it shouldn't happen the way it happened today.
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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
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Sep 4, 2004
thteh86 said:
proton bashing again and again....when will this stop, this is R3!!!!
R3 is not a separate body from Proton, it is under Proton 100%, as Proton's tuning and motorsports body / firm.


Known Member
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Feb 16, 2005
Pandan Indah
I was there too, but it is a free event so why complain.

I can understand why some of the Marshall was rude, probably they got fed up of reminding spectators not to push their way closer to the event without much regard to the possibility of the cars 'drifting' into them.

'Biasalah orang Malaysia bagi kuasa sikit, mahu tunjuk lebih-lebih.'


Known Member
Senior Member
Apr 25, 2005
Look at TV3's SureHeboh (I know its not related to motoring). My point is, even if its free, it doesn't have to be sucked.


1,000 RPM
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Sep 4, 2004
This event was a preview of what is coming later on this 2006. AND WE HAD TSYUCHIYA AND KAZAMA WITH US TODAY! AND OUR LOCAL S.S.O IS BEING UPGRADED TO A FULL D1GP STATUS, which currently, only Japan, U.S, Australia and U.K get the privilege of carrying the D1GP badge, but thw event was not carried out as properly as it should be. That is why I feel that R3 did not do too well today.


Senior Member
Senior Member
May 13, 2005
yeah man.. the commentator suck big time.. but djan crash with tee's car... my god.. its was such a good show.. 2 bad


1,000 RPM
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Dec 29, 2004
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i was there lar.....

but u know lar..malaysia...hard to control...

This is something like a test/preview for D1 and after 30 mins of crowd control..the drift king himself have to turun padang to control and ask the crowd to go few steps back and not staying to close to the track...

hope still got d1 in malaysia...


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 29, 2004
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that was a small crash in the final...nothing to say about also....

the commentator was lan pet pet from scenario....wonder his name like that...

i think shouldnt joke too much in a semi-official event for d1...and the lan pet pet can make jokes and sing doraemon song to those japs?