Ramsing! U've completely outdone yourself this time!


'(^^)|Most Awesome Member
Senior Member
Nov 14, 2003
He has acted in Digi ads.. he has acted in several Bollywood movies and even had a guest appearance in local Malaysian Idol during the finals last year... He was even a special guest during the Siti Nur Haliza wedding dinner with that Dato... some of u might not know him but some of us ZTH old timers know him as Ramsing d Samsing (Samson some may call coz he actually ties a pony tail with his chest hairs)...

Look at his latest achievement just by his good looks

Hunky customer triggers catfight
sakura: u're wrong.. it's jes dat d ramsing charm is too irresistable in certain areas of malaysia
such a disgrace 2 women..
tussle over him..:omg_smile:
oh shit~!!!!..hahahcrazycrazy..it doesn;t make sense at all
ahaahah sounds very TV like... only seen this kinda stuff on TV... coolio !
ramsing used to be samseng now become irresistible lover already hahahahha
my gawd! ramsing.. didn't know u could trigger such happenings... **gulp**... i think, to be on the safe side, we better avoid u la.
zephy: he has changed his look to be the captain jack sparrow look-a-like and captains a black pearl now... sleek and fast..
speechless man..

the girls that gatal meh..
my gawd! ramsing.. didn't know u could trigger such happenings... **gulp**... i think, to be on the safe side, we better avoid u la.
seriously, i'm kinda lost of words.. just when we tot ramsing only turns gays on... now he'z a bisexual already pulak.. come on la ramsing.. leave the gals to us ok? u go main the guys in the photocopier room.. lol
?? WTF like that oso can hahaha just walk in doing nothing can triger cat fight hahaha
seriously, i'm kinda lost of words.. just when we tot ramsing only turns gays on... now he'z a bisexual already pulak.. come on la ramsing.. leave the gals to us ok? u go main the guys in the photocopier room.. lol

yalor...that wat i though also. How come suddenly ramsing can turn on the opposite sex? hehehehe........
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