Malaysia slips behind rivals in economic race--The Straits Time Singapore

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2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 22, 2005
NOSkill said:
This thread is about how bad the economy is. It's not about how bad the government is. Even I like to bash at the government as well. LOL.

Anyway, you guys just have to pay close attention on your finacial plans for the following years since it's getting worst. For example, spend all your money to buy some foreign currency know.
but most of the replies are targeted to those the persons governing the economy . so ... lol


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 11, 2005
At least they are telling the fact, they dont work the SG Gov., they are financial experts.........

Just look at recent Bush visit to Asean, he would visit Vietnam, SG and Indonesia, but not Malaysia...... This truly shows our country loses credibility we received when Tun was in power..... Brace for the economy downfall.......


6,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 2, 2004
Lennon said:
Too lazy to talk about this, but i'm glad some news agency agree that my country is run by a bunch of losers.....
Our country was run by a bunch of losers since 49 years ago. The only difference is that earlier during those years, the losers didn't lose that much. Now, the losers just became bigger losers. Not to mention just that, but they're also racist and discriminist.


Moderate Moderator
Helmet Clan
Sep 1, 2005
Limau bali,Ipoh
i dun think thier racist.. they just after the money and all is for thier own sake....


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Nov 14, 2003
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Some researchers even claim a third world country will always remained as what it is due to money and vested interests of certain parties in the governing bodies.
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6,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 2, 2004
I agree with your point. Thing is, the losers are making lots of decisions that are clearly and obviously discriminating. Penang with the temple demolition and they do not even allow the temple owners to take back the idols. This, as far as I know, seems to be the latest obvious racist and discriminating decision that was made. And a lot more that I can't recall but vaguely remember. The losers keep on focusing on building the muslim society, helping them, bla bla bla but in fact, it is pampering and spoiling them more.

Notice also how the muslims are becoming more violent as the years go by. Just a general statement about their society, and they're all ready to fight and protest and such, even after their friday prayers. Non muslims who make general comments about islam/muslim and they are asked to shut up with those sensitive remarks. But when the govt demolishes the temple, nobody is asked to shut up. There are lots and lots of other obvious evidences on who are the real discriminating party here.

Albeit I constantly have this challenge not to look at things in a one sided view, but one can't help it sometimes when the external factors always prove me that my fair sided thinking just does not justify what is happening in reality. Hence my comments that may seem "one sided".
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2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 22, 2005
k_takuya : they ARE to MALAYSIANS , in order to achieve their own personal interests . your either in the club or your out . go figure .


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 11, 2005
They promised they will provide better fortune to the poor Malay community with their so called 'New Economy Policy'..... But after so many years, the condition havent change, the poor getting poorer, the 'SOB' in GOV office are getting more corrupted......

To those stupid leaders in UMNO, especially to the 'Youth Leaders', you better becareful what you say, your racist remarks and disrespectful behaviours to other race in this country have no place to stay ...... Remember this you UMNO dumbheads, everytime you try to limit our powers and influences, squashes our spirits, you're just slashing your legs off........ Be faithful and humble towards other, becos we are the real deals in this country, without us Mal is just another third world......


Moderate Moderator
Helmet Clan
Sep 1, 2005
Limau bali,Ipoh
satria_95 and infernal

yes i do understand both of your point. im also in the business industry. dealing with government and private sector is a routine with me..either in both sector.. thres good and bad apples.. but bad apples usually is at the top of the tree.. and also theres a new type of apples..the green one at the botton... which just follow orders...

anyone knows why we use 'RM' for our currency?

its not Ringgit Malaysia..its 'Relationship & Money"


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
May 26, 2004
The problem is, it seems that those racist are getting more and more power and going overdoing seriously...

with the obvious move such as demolishing temple...they are taking the dangerous we can see..US president visited indo, vietnam, and SG..but not msia...we are on a high potential list to be categorise as the "evil" in the western countries...

there are high possibility that quite a number of CIA already infiltrated inside the country currently...lets see if any excuse that US will find to make those stupid pigs step down..


Moderate Moderator
Helmet Clan
Sep 1, 2005
Limau bali,Ipoh
i rather us malaysians ourselves do something than let US intefere with Malaysia...

see what happen in Iraq? they 'believe' theres nuclear program in Iraq.. they believe this and that...and in the end? thay admit they made a big mistake..just like that..


Moderate Moderator
Helmet Clan
Sep 1, 2005
Limau bali,Ipoh
agree..its the oil issue... they made thier move so smooth that none of the country in the world stand up and protest 'for real'.. all we do is made conference..conference.. conference...while rockets flew here and there.. seriously i dun want that happened in malaysia...we dun have undergound holes to hide..but we do have Indah Water...hehe..


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
May 26, 2004
indah water? those underground drainages are full of posoinous gasses......if you guys go in and die, then US will said our country have bio-chemical weapons that threat their allies SG...then hailat...


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 22, 2005

MY LAST column on wasteful government spending in Malaysia (Business, 15/11) generated a furore. I received more than 600 emails from readers, mostly Malaysians (both expatriate and in Malaysia) and nearly all supportive.

The column was the most emailed item on The Age's website for six days straight and it was replicated in dozens of blogs worldwide.

My personal website received more than 50,000 hits. A Malaysian Government minister criticised the column publicly. And the Malaysian Opposition Leader issued a news release in its support.

The minister, Rafidah Aziz, Malaysia's Minister for Trade and Industry, declared somewhat imperiously that she didn't care what I said because I am a foreigner and I probably don't know much about Malaysia anyway.

Rafidah knows her trade brief like few others. Her knowledge of the complex rules of the international trading system, with its many trade barriers, is remarkable. In meetings with other trade ministers, she rarely needs assistance from minders. Hard working and tenacious, I once thought she might make a reasonable prime minister.

But her technical abilities are marred by her mishandling of other issues, most recently her ministry's allocation of much coveted car import permits. Most went to a handful of well-connected businessmen, including her own relatives.

The issue exploded in Malaysia late last year and she was lucky to keep her job.

And then there are the corruption allegations. In 1995, in a report to the attorney-general, the public prosecutor said there was a prima facie basis for Rafidah's arrest and prosecution on five counts of corruption.

An opposition activist later acquired official documents that appeared to confirm this. He was jailed for two years under the Official Secrets Act simply for possessing them. Rafidah, on the other hand, was not even charged.

Rafidah added to her remarks about my column that no Malaysian should say such things. It's little wonder that she doesn't welcome scrutiny from her own people. But then the idea that Malaysians cannot comment publicly about how their country is run but a non-Malaysian can, is disgraceful.

Perhaps Rafidah needs to be reminded who pays her salary.

And as if to underscore my points about waste, on the day that my column was published, an assistant minister told the Malaysian Parliament that Malaysia's first astronaut to be sent into space next year aboard a Russian space mission will be tasked to play batu seremban, a traditional Malay children's game played with pebbles, will do some batik painting and will make teh tarik, a type of Malaysian milky tea, all to see how these things can be done without gravity.
feel free to drop ur 2 sen lol

edit - posted here cuz the 1st one got close .

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