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Kota Kemuning section

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guys what happen....as this thread is Kota Kemuning section but where is all the guys??
hahaha ter-forgot abt this thread
and just remember back hehehe

any 1 near kota kemuning sure can join

last time i also live in TSM near the secons primary school
cheewwin88 which part u live??ghostbuster??
but move here cos of the place dont feel safe
ya last time the flood i was there edi
kena few time
only 1 time damn teruk flood till chest level(adult chest level)

that day i wake up in the middle of the night all electric stop then my dog bark
i was like WTF they bark for then hear water sound then i go down saw my fridge flooting i like O_O sh!t
rain for 2 days non stop then high tide,after that flood for few days =.=`
but we were lucky that our house 3 story, some not that lucky single story houst flood till the whole house gone
we on our generator then got fan,and tv still remember watching ''back 2 the future'' lol

now the place not safe cos last time my house got brake in b4,during chinese new year :( my wallet with angpow money all gone and handphone also
my dog chase out but too late cannot get the thieve

the place now got alot indon,bangla,etc
KK and Bukit Rimau also not that safe. The professional snatch thief driving mercedes house close to mine. Last week my neighbors house indon masuk and grab the aunties gold chain in broad daylight. Around 11.30am. I also scared jugak for my family. hire security guard also but they not there 24 hrs. i think must apply gun licenselah like this.
my house got dog so they act as an alarm lor slight sound they bark edi so the thieve dont dare to come in,
those guard cannot harap 1,every hour round 1 time
last time my area here got break in also,.few house kena
mine safe cos got dog
its best to have small toy dog in the house,but i pitty some dog tied up out side the house,the owner damn cruel dunno y they wanna breed dog for if they dont like them,my dog free to rome the house,at night they sleep inside,
last time i got a toy dog sleep with me 1 but pass away edi,
sorry to muslim lar cos cant have dog as pet,so need to install alarm for safety
last time my neighbour in sri muda is muslim,but they dont complain about my dog,cos all my dog very friendly,they also breed cat,some time the cat come in my house and play with my dog
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actually, muslim can keep dogs for security reasons tapi I malas because leceh must use glove all the time. btw, kelvio n xbalance whatcar u drive?
me i drive my father van
dont have a ride yet
but maybe im going to make the van my ride
hand gatal wanna mod the van hehehe

hmmm actually muslim cannot touch the dog nose ony rite ??
Mod the van jap style..... then only garang. any wet part of the dog cannot touch. if dry still ok. this fasting month you never go buy food at the ramadan stalls near the post office there haa? Almost everyday i buy food there for buka puasa....
hahaha i didnt go yet always go to pasar tani buy the nasi lemak lol
maybe today i go to the ramadan stalls
The pasar tani nasi lemak queue sometimes too long. Now seldom buy oredi. The ramadan stall also have to go early to buy if not sold out. One time I went at 6.30 frust becoz all the good stuff all gone. now will go latest 6.

Now KK also got Secret Recipe oredi. Next year who knows coffee bean or starbucks open up. Then can see all the lengluis lepak. Then I also will start to lepak there. Now want to lepak also no nice view. Correct or not?
hehehe true true sooner or later KK will be a hapening place
but need to wait,McD also a nice place to lepak but sometimes ony got lenglui
depends on luck hehehe
haiz today my area got brake-in 11am this morning, now days the thieve are daring.
i suspect its indonesian workers that broke-in the house
getting closer to raya and deepavali must always be careful. becoz they know people got keep some money in the house. bank closed few days what... especialy the weekend of deepavali and raya. Keep your eyes open.....

Anyway, all lengluis are most welcome to lepak in KK!
i`m stay in Bukit Rimau...behind the taipei school actually... but only sunday will be back to my house...

actually...normall sunday night always can heard those motorbike or some car....draging around.....
if the Bukit rimau link to Highway...open...i`m sure alot people going to drag the car also...
Hey there, btw me, PocketRocket & fatality also quite often got to KK there to yum cha. Giv us a call anytime or we xchange no, so we can meet up when me go there =p
most of the time i will be staying at Ampang, Damansara Jaya and kuala Selangor..

so only some times back to parents house....in Bukit rimau....and some times you wil see a Wira SE with sponsor sticker flying around at the KK new shop lot road....which is fun to drive.....hahahaha
sponser sticker???flying around hehehe
well nice to have u here also
wah! suddenly membership shootup 100%!
seanlee: I also staying behind taipei school. sg congkak,rite? I know the road u mean... I also sometimes fly there...
arcurad: my # is 0193273092. where u all yamcha? this fasting month afraid cannot join if day time. if nighttime can. puasa la friend...
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