forgot to turn on the light?

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3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 14, 2003
I notice nowdays more and more driver dun turn on thier headlight at night. Well i do know they are not doing it purposely but this really makes me wonder, dun they look at thier speedo meter? i mean, how can a driver driving at night without knowing thier lights is not on? this is a big no no to a driver IMHO. they shld get fined heavily...
sometimes when the street light is too bright, ppl tend to forget, i mean for awhile sure notice, but sometimes really forget
Don't we already have the rules like turning on the light after 7pm??
NOS: we also got rules stating lots of things... but pple always do things otherwise.. heh heh heh...

Norm; not everyone is like u mah... so keng chau...
speaking of headlights off, i just watched "Mostly True Stories" on Discovery Channel last nite. to the uninitiated, this show deals with myths and urban legends from the United States.

we've all received the email about "DO NOT flash your headlights at the oncoming car, its a gang initiation rite of passage murder thingiemajig", and in our mails its almost ALWAYS a "PERINGATAN DARI PDRM bla bla bla"

well the part i managed to catch showcase just this. that story about a person getting shot after flashing his light at an oncoming car with its headlites off, started in the US since the 1980s (This is Discovery Channel, keep in mind) when (small but amatuer and stupid) gangs starts "operating in the open". the story was created by god knows who and when, but was accelerated when an incident where a woman flashed her hi-beams at an oncoming car. the other driver got pissed off for fucked up reasons and turned around, chased and shot her. police found NO evidence of a "gang initiation" ritual, but the story takes its fuel from there.

I personally do not have anything against those who believe the forwarded emails bcoz of this; if anything, making this myth known by more ppl means that one day, some asshat sod out there is going to actually do it for "fun", inspired by the myth itself. its kinda of catch-22 situation. i hope u get what im trying to say. according to US research, the story is not true. however there's a possibility that somebody with a fucked up mind would love to pour more fuel to the fire, and perhaps copycat it for some twisted "fun". scary either way.

im sorry for purposely veering off topic. just felt i needed to share that up. i forget to switch on my lights sometimes, especially in a brightly lit town area.
so, the conclusion is: bright lighted area will make ppl forget to switch on their lights sometimes
if its getting can anyone forget to switch on the headlights..? it runs in responsibility where its about 7-730pm,still lighted but dim,at least turn on the small lights to illuminate the meter cluster.or just on the headlights immediately
its in the norm for most of us to lock doors the moment we get in the car and yet alot of ppl dont do it due to inconvenience of some sort i don't quite understand...same goes to talking on the handphone while driving,i do alot overtaking because i see the drivers i overtake always on the phone blabering their lives away while driving 70km/hr on the damn fast lane..i've always felt like getting next to them and givin' a friendly honk to not talk on the hp knowing that we shud use a handsfree or a bluetooth headset...but i dont give a goddamn of other ppl when they dont even care about road safety themselves and endangering the public roads talking on hp's,not turning on the headlights at night,locking the doors while driving...not locking the doors,in particular,,is cuz if ur stopped at the traffic light and ur door is not locked..any suspicious people crossing the road can easily open ur car door and gets to keep u hostage or hijack ur car...thats one of the reason to get an immobiliser...there was once i remember the m'sian road users all used handsfree or headsets...but only for a couple of back to square one.whatever happened to the fine while talking on the hp and driving???? gollygeewheeez.....
zero4 said:
so, the conclusion is: bright lighted area will make ppl forget to switch on their lights sometimes

i agree but sometimes i really wait till very dark only open. 7p.m stillcan see i sure no on lights 1. my bad habits....
I automatically switch on my headlights when I drive into dark areas e.g. underground carparks cuz cannot see my meter! How to shift gear if I cannot see my rev-counter?
So, cars with centre meter console (Vios / Kancil) will have this problem right?
verticalimit said:
i agree but sometimes i really wait till very dark only open. 7p.m stillcan see i sure no on lights 1. my bad habits....

i does that all the time too, if it is not dark, i wont on lights
lol. tat not de problem.. sumtime i forgot i switched to se position light only.. then i still drive home lik tat.. even pass police car... sumtime i forgot i on de light... but i still can c.. cos it bright in housing n city area.....
yes, police can saman you... my boss's daughters was fined RM300 for not turn on head light at night few months back..... no kidding...
I am guilty of that at times.

This is because I normally drives car that their meter cluster wouldn't light up unless the headlight is switch on.

But for the last 2 months, been using my mum's Toyota because my car was in the works. The meters are always lighted, so I would always forget about the lights. Especially if I'm driving around well lit area.
Well, i truly forgotten to switch on my headlights few years back. It was almost 10 at night and i was driving back to my house in a very well lighted up area and only when i approached my housing area i realise it was so damn dark. Felt so stupid.
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