[DIY] Superlon + Bitumen


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 22, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
Ok ppl .. dont get pissed off
my MMC Digital Cam memory card corrupted lil bit..
so some of the steps could not be uploaded.. the card rosak
i got a few.. hope it helps

for bonet and boot
please refer to johnsonlam DIY
Click Here to go to Johnsonlam's Guide
i recommend u all read his one first

1. need superlon or insulfex
2. bitumen strips
3. Dunlop Glue
4. Blade
with the inside cabin
1. remove the seats

4 screws .. size i tink 15 .. use a rachet .. if not u might itself kill urself
unscrew the nuts then take the seat out of ur car..

the ones near to the midle might be hard to take out..
so i recommend u to remove the middle panel handrest first :)
middle handrest
remove the screw from 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
ops 4th screw is actually inside .. at the ground of the handrest box :D
remove all the screws then just take the whole panel off
if u driving auto then got a switch for Power & Economy
tht one u see down got a pin to press then u can easily remove the whole panel out :)
this are the two pins u have to pull
then the back seats will get released from the body..
u can see the two white things.. thoose are the clips..
go down below and pull the pins i drew .. then seat release :P
remove the plastic thing at ur door sides
then below it .. there will be another white colour long clip attached to the body and also the carpet.. pull it off the body :)
u can see the white clip in the next pic
there u go from another view
1 . unscrew this nut from the seatbelt then oni u can remove the carpet
2. this is the white clip i told in the post b4 this
3. thats the seat clips
4. thts the screw i mentioned when i was removing the middle panel
let go to opening Doors
remove all the nuts numbered
remember the handle to open the door from inside.. unscrew that then remove the plastic panel at the back of it
the one numbered 4 .. unscrew the screw at the bottom of it..
Bitumen sticked under the seats
remember the bitumen doesnt stick well ..
dont even think like that..
the next day i dont tink u can even kopek it :P
u actually just have to put the strips here and there.. but im kinda gila so i sticked quite alot :D
under the seats
sorry i took the pic after i put the carpet back..
decided to take the pics late :P

its not something that u have to do perfectly..
just tear the bitumen strips and put it here and there.
if its not sticking leave it.
it will stick after few hours.. bitumen is like that :)
cut the superlon
no matter where u gonna stick it to
it doesnt have to be one big piece
easier to do small small pieces
u know if u send to shop i tink they only use 1/4 of how much i used to stick :D
put the dunlop glue with a brush..
wait for one minute
then paste it in ur desired place :)
for the doors ?
u got two ways..
one is my way
one is ninja's way..
i couldnt catchup with ninja..
once u open the door panels
u can remove one plastic think layer..
then u can see the door insides..
paste some bitumen inside of cos.. randomly cincai cukup ok ?
myway : then after that cut some superlon.. maybe 15cm x 15cm
put glue.. then paste it to the bodypanel inside
after that
ninja's way : see the pic below.. thts how ninja guided me :)

but of cos.. if u give 2f*ck bout making car heavier but keen to reduce noise.
do it like me..
one layer on the door inside .. bitumen + superlon
then one layer to replace the plastic layer like the pic below
make sure u cut the holes out for those to fit in properly.. this one i no need to teach maa.. u can use ur head :)
want more guide ?
go kill urself ok :)
DIY is not hard..
its just that u all dint want to try on urself :)
might be messy but it wouldnt kill u..
i saved more than 400 bucks on this stuff..
shops quoted me 800 bucks just to do this..
and they dont even paste completely.. just here and there they paste
but i .. i paste till i puas :P
and wht is cost
150 Superlon + 75 bucks bitumen + alot of hardwork..
of cos two of my frenz helped me out :)
u cant remove most of the sound that comes from your car itself.. i mean .. the sound already travels through ur car body .. so its hard to remove .. if u want to remove the sound that comes from the engine bay then u have to insulate the part between ur engine bay and ur cabin .. of cos the dashboard :) but i hear very much less noise that comes from outside .. like motorbike passing by .. people making noise outside .. its very much less .. :D and sound quality is better.. if u r whacking a two 12'' :) this does help

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