Buying a GTR.

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mr neojack,

i see u r struggling to get the prize for spotting the lamest post in this forum.
if the moderators want to remove my post for being non-constructive, well, that's their duty.
i believe my post is not lame as i believe u are the one who acting in a lame way.

now u can call me stalker.

why the hell u put such a statement like ' i prefer supra than celica ' in a thread selling a celica?
it's like you are randomly entering your neighbour's house than u say something like 'i prefer my wife than yours'
isn't it lame?

and why the hell in the thread that obviously sell teana/cefiro, u ask about mitsubishi evo X and fairlady Z? u did the same in the thread of a person selling accord but u ask about camry. isn't that the same as u go to car workshop and u ask whether they sell furniture or not? and that's lame.

i need not to post everything lame u did to this forum as i know all of us can access all you LAME post that you've posted in this forum.

last but not least, gudluck. :thefinger:

Well said! :rofl:

He's bored and needs attention. He visits every thread and attacks everyone.

---------- Post added at 09:03 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 08:56 AM ----------



---------- Post added at 02:02 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:38 AM ----------

To the dear Moderator,
I was informed that certain post will be deleted due to the reason of " lame and not constructive". Does it mean that the post must fulfill both conditions of (i) lame and (ii) not constructive ? In the event that somebody put a question " What is the price of 1999/2006 R34 ? " Will this post be removed ? I am very doubtful as this statement is not LAME but definitely "NOT CONSTRUCTIVE". Are you going to classify "a question " as CONSTRUCTIVE ? If it is not constructive then it should be removed.

On the other hand, does it mean that a post shall be removed because it is "LAME OR NOT CONSTRUCTIVE"?

---------- Post added at 02:11 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 02:02 AM ----------

Main Entry: 1lame
Pronunciation: \ˈlām\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): lam·er; lam·est
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lama; akin to Old High German lam lame, Lithuanian limti to break down
Date: before 12th century
1 a : having a body part and especially a limb so disabled as to impair freedom of movement b : marked by stiffness and soreness <a lame shoulder>
2 : lacking needful or desirable substance : weak, ineffectual <a lame excuse>
3 slang : not being in the know : square
4 a : inferior <a lame school> b : contemptible, nasty <lame racist jokes>

quoted from Meriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

I believe that this statement posted by Z34 is LAME because it is lacking needful or desirable substance as there is no such thing as 'Professional License for Posting In Forum' and you do not to such license to post any statement on this forum.

I further believe that this statement is definately not constructive as none of us will be benefited or obtain any knowledge from his post.

No offence, i just wish to follow the guideline given by the moderator.

Thank you.

Thank you; we are all challenged by your unique point of view. And I see you've set a side this special time to humiliate yourself in public. Keep up the good work.
after all, we must appreciate his effort to wake up at 2 am and do some research to fight for his right. unfortunately, it ends up like what semperfi said. :biggrin:
This world is full of LAME~~~~~~people.....
which institute can we enroll to get the 'Professional License for Posting In Forum'?

i really need to get one fast!

I believe yo can get it from International Dummy Institute Of Talking (IDIOT)....:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
gtr r34 on motortrader, this months issue, rm169k. is this the time to buy, or will it fall again?

This car look nice with the mod,but jz dunno the condition. I think the price are reasonable and not fall again,last time this car asking around 200k in the marketplace. More detail of the monster...
Look like the previous owner had repainted the whole car including engine bay...with RM150k upgrade..the HKS Suction Kit doesn't look like ori to me though...well....personal opinion...I might be wrong...

Yup.. I like the blue colour and the black rims.. although offset fail lah.. But nice nonetheless as it already has an RB25.. hehehe

I wonder why all of the sudden R32 prices are going through the roof lately.. 60K+ man! Not too long ago it's just at around 50K+..

Could've went up and view this blue R32 if I hadn't put a deposit on another.. :rofl:
Yeap Temujin, gts oredi 60k plus...wonder what is the value of the ori gojiraaaaa....aummmmmm :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Considering today's market price for GTS of 60k+ not inclusive of an RB26 halfcut as well as transplant workmanship etc.. The total cost including halfcut and transplant would still get u an R32 with RB26DETT albeit with a HCR32 chassis..

With the same amount of money u could get an original Gojira.. :biggrin:

But to find a real Gojira for sale is totally a different story! :rofl:
Hey all ,
I thinking to test drive that gtr too.
But only 80k loan meaning have to dp almost 100k put me off.
That a lot...
HAI guys!! erhmm im graduated soon from australia. and i owned R33 here. and would like to know. where can i get skyline around malaysia?? if possible i would like to get one from malaysia. if not had to ship back but it will cost for shipping so please help :(
when laa all u guys with R34 gonna upgrade to R35?....mayb then i can afford that R34 pulak....oh well...continue dreaming for now....:sleep:
Guys, just so you know, it's really difficult to insure R34's lately... Two owners had difficulty renewing theirs.
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