Beware Of This Con Man!

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Feb 17, 2005
a fren of mine had been conned by LEE KEE HONG Maybank A/c:101534034195
IC no:841207016541
hope this would help others to avoid being victims.
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some further infor pls.........., where, what
well...he's selling a set of HID in viosclub...n my fren was kinda when deal already, bank in da money, straight away no news....:(
so your friend banked in the money first based purely on trust? when dealing with a stranger, C.O.D. man.
ya he trusted da guy...cant cod coz of location not da same....oh well...i sell things too but dun have da heart to con ppl ler...dunno wats da buggers problem
sad sad...lesson learnt dude....
never really trust unless u've met him face to face bfore....

play safe!
EP71 said:
ya he trusted da guy...cant cod coz of location not da same....oh well...i sell things too but dun have da heart to con ppl ler...dunno wats da buggers problem

that is why I chose ppl whereby can deal direct....

cos as a buyer, obviously I want to look at the goods to make sure before I pay.
as a seller, I wouldn't want to send out the item bfore i recieve money...

that's just simple psycology. Try not to do this type of deals unless there's really a good review on the seller.
sad to say....this kind of ppl really dare to do such thing....
waaahh..!!! very young laaa d con man...
"kecik-kecik tak nak mampos....
lol.... so next time only buy stuff from a reliable seller.. with at least a good trading remarks or good reputation in the forum... that's why sometimes.. if i wanted to buy stuff in internet make sure that buyer is realiable.. base on his information/remarks/trading ...

anyway told your friend to make a police report and if your friend still keep the transaction copy of money been transfer is much better...
ya he still have the copy...its possible to make police report ah??
yes you can... base on the information... on that transaction copy..and also all electronic copys of mails and Correspondence plus the cheater name/bank acc and IC.... make a police report as a cyber crime criminal ....
but being a cheater i think he use other people name and IC ... but this is just my guessing... if you got a friend that can trace what is the guy address is much better... once got the address let the police do the work much faster...
EP71 said:
ya he still have the copy...its possible to make police report ah??
Better go ahead and report it... I like to see conman kena caught and torture... hehhe
wiramod11 said:
yes you can... base on the information... on that transaction copy..and also all electronic copys of mails and Correspondence plus the cheater name/bank acc and IC.... make a police report as a cyber crime criminal ....
but being a cheater i think he use other people name and IC ... but this is just my guessing... if you got a friend that can trace what is the guy address is much better... once got the address let the police do the work much faster...

I did a report at the SJ police station and then proceeded to the Commercial crime division in Sri Kembangan. It's more than a year and there's no answer.

Anyway, before I did that report, I emailed M'sia's Tourism Board and Police - no response. But, their S'pore counterpart responded within 48 hours. So, good luck on the police report. Do remember it's afterall a PRDM, not PDRM. KNNCCB!!!!!! :angry:

Oh... it's about a scam from the owner, Glen Chee of Now, after so much headache, this website had since been shut down. Good riddance to bad rubbish!!! :angry:
try complianing to the bank saying that the transfer was wrong.....
and ask them to re-wire the money out some fishy stories first lar.....
mayb they would just reverse the said money back to own account....

just some solution you could try.
headache said:
I did a report at the SJ police station and then proceeded to the Commercial crime division in Sri Kembangan. It's more than a year and there's no answer.

Anyway, before I did that report, I emailed M'sia's Tourism Board and Police - no response. But, their S'pore counterpart responded within 48 hours. So, good luck on the police report. Do remember it's afterall a PRDM, not PDRM. KNNCCB!!!!!! :angry:

Oh... it's about a scam from the owner, Glen Chee of Now, after so much headache, this website had since been shut down. Good riddance to bad rubbish!!! :angry:

yes...sometimes they are slow.. and maybe no answer..but at least being the one been cheated at least you can do is report it up to police... but one thing that i know for this internet criminal breach ... normally will be handle by a department at Bukit Aman not Seri kembangan lar....

if want faster action go directly to Bukit Aman to make a report lar...!!!
toking bout cops.....i met one of this guys bfore.
was installing alarm one fine sunday morning at brothers genting klang. Then this iswara came in to install strobe light. Took quite someime to install my alarm and the strobe light (u know lar....blothers mah) I ended up chatting with this guy.
He told me he's a policeman, handling business crimes. He imformed me also that internet crimes falls under their department oso. I look at him, but seriously, I dun think he's internet savvy. At least he doesn't have the look of an internet savvy person.
But he's been telling me some of the cases lar (forgot d cos 3-4 mths back)....was also telling me that police oso got very fast monster cars. Got bimmers lar, GTR lar....blah blah blah.....
Dunnno how true is it. But his explanation sounds logic lar. I was like "huh??...ade tak kereta kereta macam tu?? tak pernah nampak pun"
than he said mostly used by undercover cops (wow.....llike in the movie ler). He said if no nice exclusive or monster cars, how to join the geng of the "big bosses". No monster cars, how to catch those fast cars......
Pity i forgot to get down his contact. Btw, he works in bkt aman.
b00n said:
try complianing to the bank saying that the transfer was wrong.....
and ask them to re-wire the money out some fishy stories first lar.....
mayb they would just reverse the said money back to own account....

just some solution you could try.

did anyone try dis method b4?
never heard......but tis is my input....whoever ants to try...pls do so...
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