Beware Of Immitation!!!

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ICE -In Car Entertainment

Beware Of Immitation!!!


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Apr 9, 2004
pic shown in Harian Metro 2 boxes of ads brand...

Edisi KL : Tembelang jutawan muda

Oleh Mohd Jamilul Anbia Md Denin

KUALA LUMPUR: Biarpun baru mencecah usia 24 tahun, seorang pemuda dikatakan menjadi jutawan haram hasil kegiatan mengedar dan menjual alat audio kereta jenama tiruan terbesar di Lembah Klang.

Pemuda itu yang juga pengurus sebuah syarikat di Cheras, dipercayai mengaut keuntungan berpuluh ribu ringgit sebulan dengan menyeludup masuk dan menjual peralatan seperti amplifier, equalizer dan sub-woofer jenama tiruan.

Dia dikesan menjual peralatan terbabit kepada beratus kedai aksesori termasuk ke Sabah dan Sarawak.

Hasil maklumat yang diterima, sepasukan tujuh pegawai Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) Putrajaya diketuai Mohd Zulkifli Said menyerbu premis syarikat itu pagi semalam.

Dalam serbuan jam 10.30 pagi itu, pegawai KPDNHEP menemui puluhan kotak amplifier, equalizer dan sub-woofer jenama tiruan.

Jurucakap KPDNHEP berkata, ketika disoal siasat, pengurus syarikat itu mendakwa alat audio kereta itu adalah tulen dan dikilang di China.

Bagaimanapun, wakil syarikat yang mengeluarkan produk tulen yang beribu pejabat di Amerika Syarikat menafikan mereka ada membuka kilang pengeluaran di China seperti didakwa.

“Wakil syarikat dari Amerika Syarikat yang turut menyertai operasi itu mendakwa mutu produk tiruan berkenaan jauh lebih rendah berbanding produk tulen.

“Bagaimanapun, produk tiruan itu yang menggunakan nama dan logo produk tulen dijual pada harga empat kali lebih murah,” katanya.

Semua produk tiruan itu yang dirampas dianggarkan bernilai RM20,000.

Siasatan KPDNHEP mendapati produk tiruan buatan China terbabit sudah berada di pasaran sejak empat tahun lalu.

Menurutnya, lelaki terbabit disiasat mengikut Seksyen 3(1)(b) Akta Perihal Dagangan 1972 dan jika sabit kesalahan boleh didenda RM100,000.

Sementara itu, serbuan turut dilakukan di ibu pejabat syarikat pengedar alat audio kereta jenama tiruan terbabit yang terletak di Taman Tasik, Johor Bahru oleh KPDNHEP Johor, semalam.
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huh? the fine is only RM100 000? The guy millionare already la...
hehe... wut is those brand? didnt say any brand then how to make sure we dun buy imitation le?
craziechild said:
hehe... wut is those brand? didnt say any brand then how to make sure we dun buy imitation le?

familiar with a.d.s?
yeap... good brand from US...

so it is a.d.s. brand tht is involced in this izzit?
I also heard this news from my uncle, seem the guy is just a puppet. The group ppl behind still free and took most of the stock already.
been looking around for audio stuffs in lelong website,others malaysian community selling stuffs.. etc etc

ive wondered those "hot" audio brands such as JL Audio,Mohawk,SoundStream,RockfordFosgate,Pioneer,kenwood,etc etc are ORIGINAL as it is..? coz its selling very cheap cheap man!?

its hard 2 compare between original & fake .. coz its look the same as it is..well made in CHINA.. guess the different is just the price tag rite?.. quality? well i dont know coz never tried.. hard 2 say nowdays coz all fake stuffs a lot here..

this as well applied to windows xp software + license too.. looks like original + the price tag as same.. but its fake.. damn..
what i heard is that a/d/s/ did not copyright their name in China , therefore some 'smart' people took up this oportunity and opened a company making similar designed speakers,amps,ect........with the same name ( a/d/s/ china ) .
Yes,its not the original a/d/s/ ( like the ones from the US ) , its a different product all together BUT with the same name... :confused_smile:
wow.... dangerous la if never audited the ori ones... then later buta buta go buy the fake ones because it sounded a little bit 'different'... kena chop buta buta...
What would help if others can give back rating and comment about item bought.
Lelong and ebay have the seller's previous record - that helps a lot in determining the integrity of the seller. Of course, this is not full proof.

So all of us have to help each other - and warn each other.
How about if somebody now which brand/model of fake item and whos selling it, pls list down here, and all member can take it as refference b4 buy something....Hope this can help us....

i bought an a/d/s comp speakers...original......the vocals are great........although havent really hear the fakes 1 yet......
Maybe somebody hv bought branded and cheaper ICE from lelong especially give thier comment about item Quality or what ever.....
last year i bought one set 6x9 CALI**R with 500watt max speaker from sumone in leleong..the price is rm100..but compared to those original speaker...the quality is almost the same...the speaker cannot hentam BASS at all...
before i change to this using those 6x9 i bought at brothers...they are not branded stuff..but the sound quality is much better than this caliber..hmm
Since already millionaire... RM 100k is pocket change la...
well the best way is to audit it ourself... and search around with the price... if there is one shop tht the price suddenly shoot up... then there sholud be a problem liao...

sometimes thinking back cheaper things dun always be better for out wallet... as the risk of having a fake one will be higher...
want real1 then prepare to pay 3~4x the fake one price

i bought my comp set from mike...i think he is a forumer here but not active in the site.....he is active another site....but not nice to put up ppl site here....who intrested can pm me.......i will tell you via pm
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