BEWARE! modelling scam!


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 20, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
There is some girl pretending to be from Elite modelling agency trying to con people, beware!

I cut and paste from my gf's blog below...

Part 1

Lady: Hi, I am frm ELITE Model. May I know who I am speaking to?
Me : (wow, ELITE Model!) Uh, I'm Serra.
Lady: So anyways Serra, are you interested in modelling?
Me : What kind of modelling are we talking about?
Lady: Oh we do all sorts, but more on photography. Which are you interested in?
Me : Oh, photography is good.
Lady: Do you have a good body? Do you feel good about your body?
Me : Err, well I am happy with my body if that's what you are asking.
Lady: Are you open-minded?
Me : (Open-minded?? Huh???? What? Like posing nude??? hahaha) Well, depends on what you mean exactly by open minded.
Lady: Oh, well, do you mind wearing sexy clothings for instance?
Me : I am fine with sexy clothes, but of course there is a limit to it.
Lady: Do you have any friends whom you think has potential?
Me : Well, I can ask them. Why don't you give me your contacts and I can get them to contact you.
Lady: Oh no, that's not how we work. They don't call us. We call them. Just refer a few numbers to us, we will call them and interview them and decide for ourselves.
Me : Uh, okay. Call me back in a few minutes then. I need to check my phone for the number.
Lady: Okay. I'll call you back in a few minutes then.
A few minutes later,
Me : Yea I have a friend who might be interested.
[Gave her the number]
Lady: Thanks. Do you have a digital camera with you?
Me : (Digicam? What for? You want pics I've got tonnes of them on my pc). Err, no not at the moment.
Lady: Okay. I will call your friend, and then I will call you back after okay?
Me : Err, sure. (Whatever, I'm kinda busy now anyways).

THAT is a summary of my conversation with this lady, Sabrina, who claimed that she was from ELITE Model. I had questions, but I never bothered asking because I was having my dinner. But she never did call again yesterday.

So I asked my friend about it today, and she told me she turned down the offer. I asked her why.
"Cos she asked me to send in 2 nude pictures. And she wanted it immediately. Said it's urgent."
"First you take a head shot. Then take a full body with your bra on. And last take a shot without your bra."
No wonder she didn't wanna give out her contacts!!!
Actually. after the phone conversation with that bitch, it did cross my mind that there is a possibility that this could all just be bogus! First they have a weird "system" of scouting for new models; then she never asked about ME other than if I have a GOOD BODY; nor did she show any interest in actually getting my info or meeting me (wouldn't a normal modelling agency want to meet you in person???). But I figured, I can ask when she calls back. I wish my snail-of-a-brain would thought of all that sooner, and not AFTER!

I felt soooo damn bad for being so stupid and giving out my friend's number to that bitch. ELITE Model MY FOOT! No professional modelling agency will EVER do that! ELITE Model is known internationally! Would they ever do such a thing? I really doubt it. I would be very VERY surprise if they did. Does that woman take us as FOOLS? HOW MANY GIRLS HAD SHE TRICKED?????
Had she asked me to do it, I would've hung up on her and not even bother giving out referals. I know I am not a model, nor am I experienced, BUT I know how modelling agencies are. And I know a few friends who work as models! Asking for nude photos is NOT how they work. Not usually anyways.
I am so pissed off right now. Not because of my stupidity, well yea partly because of it, but mostly because I got my friend into it! She told me it's not my fault of course, even she initially did not suspect anything until further into the "interview". But still, I do feel that it was my fault.

In fact, I hope that bitch would call back, then I would play along and at least TRY to get her contacts (though I doubt she will give). If I can get her contacts I would report her to some authority or whoever, and then send her my "resume" with a picture of a PIG in it and ask her to fuck herself!
I doubt she will be calling again though. Bah!
Seriously, I wonder how many girls she had tricked!!!
And, well, if it turns out that she really IS from ELITE Model, well then, my bad. If that is the case, then I guess I was wrong about how professional the agency is. But, I seriously seriously doubt it. I am soooo certain that she is just a con.

Bitch. If she is doing something illegal, and tricking girls, I hope she gets caught soon!
[Edit: I just found out that Elite Models has changed their name to Looque International, so confirmed it was all just a scam!]

Part 2

Okay. I have quite a lot to blog about, so let's cut to the chase:

The biatch from "ELITE MODELS" called again. Yes, she did.


Biatch: Are you free to talk?

I was sleeping by the way, though I know it is very unusual for me to be sleeping so early. But I was exhausted from work, and she woke me up. So naturally I was really really really VERY grouchy!

Me: (sarcastically) Err, it's 2AM. I WAS sleeping???!

Biatch: Oh sorry. I was just trying my luck. I will call again next time.

Yea right, as IF she had any brain in that head of hers to have the decency to do THAT. What she actually said:

Biatch: Oh sorry I was just trying my luck. Have I ever asked you a survey?

Me: No, you haven't.

Actually she did, the first time she called. If you recall my previous post about it, you would know that I had wanted her to call back so that I can try to get her contacts and report her to Looque (the REAL Elite Models). And now, there she is, calling me at the most PERFECT time. But I tried to be patient anyways.

So Ms. Biatch started asking me some questions. But soon enough I lost my patience, when she started asking me about my body again. This time even more detailed than the first time...

Biatch: Can I know your height and stats?

To make myself sound more appealing so that she would be interested in me, and possibly give me her contacts (after all that is the only reason why I did not hang up starightaway when she called)...

Me: I'm about 5' 8.5" (I'm only 5' 7.5" actually), and my stats are ??,??,??.
I randomly gave her a damn nice figure, which is totally NOT me. Sides I don't remember the stats that Simone measured for me at Blitz.

Biatch: What is ur bra size?

Me: (Didn't I already gave you my "stats"?) Err..B.

It was an outright lie! Hehe. I don't have boobs that size. Yes, sadly my boobs are not really very...big. Hehe. Anyways...

Biatch: Okay. Good good. Are you open minded? Do you wear sexy clothes?
Bla bla bla. She went on asking me about what is the sexiest outfit I've worn, etc, and something about the more skin the sexier, etc. I said that for me, the more skin you reveal does not necessarily mean sexy. I wanted to say it's slutty but I did not. I said its a matter of how you dress up and how you present yourself. Not how much skin you show.
But she argued that MORE SKIN = SEXIER! F*ck her! I was really really getting pissed by then, but I kept my cool. I insisted that I am very interested in this modelling thing...
Me: I am really interested actually. But at the moment, I am occupied with a part time job. Can I have any form of your contact so that I can contact you when I am free?
Biatch: No no, that is not how we do it.
I actually already knew that I am never geting any contacts out from her. If she really is a con, then it would be very prudent for her to give out her contacts. Even my friend had tried, but biatch kept implying that "this is not how it works".
I gave up. Moving on...
Biatch: Do you like to wear your outfits WITH or WITHOUT BRA??
WTF! That really did it. That was the last straw. The reason why I probably got angry so fast was because I already knew from the start what she wants. All the while that I was talking to her, I can't help but think about my friend, whom the biatch gave the step by step guides on how to take nude pics. I also knew that I can never get her contacts, so I stopped pretending.
I turn the table around, and started asking HER the questions...
Me: Wait, what agency did you say you are from again? (acting clueless la ok? Hehe).
Biatch: Elite Models.
Me: Oh, is it the one that Amber Chia and Carmen Soo are signed under? (Still acting clueless la. Trying to test her mar.)

Biatch: Yes yes. That's us.
Me: Oh really?? As far as I know, there is no longer an Elite Model. They have changed their name.
But the biatch damn fast also.
Biatch: No we did not.
Me: Yes you did.
Biatch: Oh yea? What's the name?
Me: Looque International???
Biatch: No no. Who told you?
Me: (VERY sarcastically) Uhhhhh, I went to your OFFICIAL WEBSITE and it says there that you have changed your name!
Biatch: No, that is only for the Singapore branch. Not the Malaysia one.
Me: Uhhh, noooooo. The office is smack right here in KL. It's in Midvalley Megamall!!!

I can't really remember what she said onwards (I was seriously too pissed off to really listen to her), but she was twisting things around saying and insisting that there still is an Elite Model and she IS from Elite.

Biatch: Looque is in Malaysia, but we are a branched out department and we are still Elite Models.
Me: But...didn't you tell me just now that Looque is SINGAPORE????!
Biatch: So you are not interested?
Me: NO!
I hung up.
Seriously pissed at her. Woke me up in the middle of the night, and by the time I was done talking to her I was wide awake, with anger. Couldn't sleep until one hour later, and I had only another 2 hours (or less) of sleep before I had to wake up again and get ready for work.
Bitch bitch bitch! Grrrr!
Kids and all you wannabe models, there are a lot of modelling agency scams (some con you for your money, some for your nude pics, and etc), so please be more careful when you are asked to go for interviews; or before you send in your particulars and pictures. Check up on their background, and ask as many questions as you can, and thoroughly. And if you decide to go for the interview, bring a friend along. They won't bar you from the interview if you did. Better safe than sorry.

When an agency asks you to send in nude pictures, please don't be so desperate that you are willing to do ANYTHING to be a model. Unless you are interviewing for a spot in Playboy magazine, DO NOT send in your nude pictures to anyone. Don't be stupid. Professional agencies will not ask for your nude pics, not during the first stage at the least.DO NOT BE SO NAIVE that you will believe in everything people say, especially people that you don't know!!!

okay okay.. i will say no to anyone who calls me and asks me to post nude pix to her...
I'll just say...." why not you come and let me fuck you and make a video and see if I've got what it takes to be nude on screen."
Heh...was really tempted to post really sarcastic and offensive remarks about the incident but I'll refrain since it's Seraph's girlfriend.

To Seraph: Dude, I'm sure she'll have learnt her lesson, but have a word or two with her just the same. Lucky she wised up in time.

Starry eyed girls fall for scams like this way too easily.
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i NEVER ever passed my fren's hp number to a stranger...i hate it when ppl pass out my numbers to unknown ppl...unless the stranger happes to be a chick :P
Thanks Silver :)

The thing is this scan they use a girl to call so i suspect people might believe it more than if a guy called.
I dun believe people actually fall for such things... It's quite obvious they have bad intentions... I thought the generation now should be a lil' wiser since similar issues have been around for some time... Haha... No offence... :shcokedcamo:
People are still easily tempted and subsequently blinded by promises of fame and fortune.
When you push a persons hot button, you can get them to do almost anything you ask. You just have to dangle a sizable carrot. I'm sure there are really convincing conmen out there but most of the time, we just have to take a step back and apply a little logic.
normal lay happen to my GF long long year ago loh!

last few weeks stillgot this typ of ppl apporch to my gf also
i ask my gf to play with her

we found that kekekek
they only want to earn ur cosmetic cost only niah!!!
others they don't care!

so be careful....
haih! i just posted this for everyone info but you all like..... :(
guess i might as well delete this thread :(
Rilek bro...nobody said anything nasty as far as I'm concerned. Just comments about the incident. Just take it that we know.
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