Better Broadband for The Rakyat

This petition online thing is kinda crap to me, personally. I voted for a few items and nothing came out of it. I mean, I don't mean to be negative but even issues that come out in the papers which greatly affect the citizens, the govt and malaysian companies don't even care. So there goes.
satria_95: if government or companies don't care it's their problem, not yours. your call is just to vote and once you've done that you've done your part :)
Yeah? Well, to a certain extent, it's not my problem. When it starts affecting me, then it's my problem. Likewise, in certain ways, when I say a particular race is crappy, it's my problem. Not anybody else problem. But why do those people come back and try to shut me up? So go tell that to them first before coming and tell me that bla bla is their problem bla bla bla is not my problem. Peace.
lol...good luck with that pe-shit-ion..i mean petition.

if they are not satisfied with streamyx..they should open their own company and give the Rakyat T3 lines. Or just STFU and live with it. u think the Msian government dont want to improve Malaysia's internet connection? Think la, which country dont want improvement? the problem lies financially, geographically and also demographically. Malaysia needs to improve so many things before they offer a much higher speed of our broadband.

no offence, but my opinion is, this petition is useless. Ive read the rules of this online petition, it is only used for pre-test to see whether there are a lot of respondents to the petition before you start a real petition that can be billed by the government. Besides, the letter of petition above is informal, there is no way it can go through any offices, what more the prime minister's office.
I bet some of you have noticed that streamyx has increased to 2048/512 recently. Even the reading has increaded, the performance is still crappy.
The G don't give a damn of any petition because they still allow 1 company to monopolised the telco / broadband market. If they allow foreign companies to come in then it is a another story.
acbc said:
The G don't give a damn of any petition because they still allow 1 company to monopolised the telco / broadband market. If they allow foreign companies to come in then it is a another story.
well i must agree with acbc the G dont give any petition just like oil price increase does the G do anything about it? i dont think so coz they just saying its about time to increase the price just like water and electicity *sigh*
haha the only realistic thing we can do is to SEED the download after its complete . dont be a cunt and remove the download when its over .
No use 1 la...I also lazy wanna go complain n bising bout all these stuffs alr.
Jus like my latest case wif telekom.
Wanna transfer my old num to new hous. Ask me fill in form wait for confirmation, say wait 3 working days. Til today more than 1 week no response. Call telekom say no record in their computer n hav to go bak to the tmpoint where i filled in my form.

When go bak wan kau tim this stuff somemore wan tok nonsense ask who is the previous officer attended me. My father open telekom meh? The worker name where will remember so much.
Well, I figure perhaps there's just way too many things that the citizens can't see and thus, they comment based on what they see. But there's usually 2 sides in a coin. As such, maybe the govt is hiding things from the citizens. Or, maybe the citizens are just blinded from looking at issues from another different angle. We have been independent for 40+ years, 49 is I'm not mistaken, and yet, although we've progressed, we sure have progressed slow.

As of now, the citizens only know that the govt is sucking up money from us, one way or another, and wasting it on stupid stuff that hardly helps the country improve. Like RM500,000 public high end toilets. Like re-tarring a road nicely but only to dig it up again for whatever shit job. Then the the road becomes rough again. Building unnecessary mosques in locations that are not considerate to the non-muslim residents of that particular area. And many many more reasons.

It'll have to start with the govt if things are to improve.
I have no doubt that the slow development of the country is the fault of the government. Our ruler takes their own sweet time to do things, and when they finally have the chance, they waste it on unnecessary things. But... who are inside the government really? its people, one day we might take their lousy position. So if we should blame anyone, we should blame them first for not doing their job right and us for not making a change. I bet those people in the parliament were just like us(look in history books), discussing about changes and stuff.
So changes should start within ourselves rite?

I have a better idea, why dont satria95 run for PM, im sure all zthians will be happier.(Joke :P)

oh btw kher, u having problem with telekom huh? listen to this

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If I get the post of Prime Minister, the first thing I'll do is drop the post and go be a normal australian citizen. If I'm the PM and I set things all fair for all races, you know very well that the malays will despise and hate me. They want their rights to the country and they WANT to be THE OWNER of the country. Yet, it is clear that they are not capable of handling the entire thing. As such, I do not want to rule a country like that. There will be lots of problems if there are a large group of people who just can't accept what I personally call, "Open and fair system".
kekek normal la like that, which country isnt bias to its said to be original race? even America wants the whites to dominate their you think they let some nigger 50cent look a like to be their leader? hehe
I can officially say, all of the countries in this world are all bias, there is no such thing as a fair for all races country...Not even ur favourite u know that australians are also racist just like us? only that they are not going commercial with wat they are doing...
talking bout these better broadband , did u guy saw da stupid TV ADS from these one and only big ISP provider u know who, where 1 lady fall then another 2 guy fall when they so these stupid flyer RM77 FREE WALLPAPER FREE MODEM 1.0MBPS ,n free don know what ridiculous stuff which is actually consist in normal package.. CHEAP ? i guess they fall coz the price make no different, n the ads is super c2pid under budget ads...
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