ZTH Kepong Area's TT

Lolz! U guys really beh tahan lar...I adi expected u guys to zha me adi lolz! That's why didn't really wanna elaborate what kind of nightmare lolz! Not lao sai lar...just twice the dream someone snatching her away in front of me...1st one was like some kind of black triads taking her away. 2nd one was having TT with my secondary friends and she came. It was some kind of big event like Miss Hypertune event...all nice cars can be seen around some sort of petrol station. Especially Celica GT-S. I saw Carace too and spoke to her a bit when FY was snatched away by some long hair guy lolz! :banghead:

Then her friend came...wearing all white with Long hair. Dye blonde. She ask him if he mind sitting with us, then he said why not the empty table. Then she just left with him in a black car dunno wat type of car liao...lolz! So, consider as bad dream lo...

U guys dun think too much lar...I dun hit at all geh...still full tank and virgin barley lolz! :rofl:

This one is Jin for sure.....Hahahaha...I also have the same thought as you YH when I saw the statement. SF you 'crab fall' loh...translate into Cantonese...

SF, you spoke to Carace in dreams? Hahaha...you are too over man....Carace is my girl..try to snatch away from me ah.....want to die or not? :smokin:
SF you give ppl use number 10 spannar and 'kiu' your long legs jor
morlin guys.....

SF kanne... i where got MIA?? everyday i'm reading ur essay la... juz i got nothing to say then i never post nia...
dd05: u no need to sleep ah....keep watching the thread whole nite to see who spark fire ah??

5115: so early online......untung la ZtoH have u

SF: why didnt come for yesterday TT?

i sneaked out from thai club yesterday (missed something great).....my friend got a JACKPOT - one pretty but drunk girl...u know la...no need to tell so detail in here......kekekekeekee:)
dd05: u no need to sleep ah....keep watching the thread whole nite to see who spark fire ah??

5115: so early online......untung la ZtoH have u

SF: why didnt come for yesterday TT?

i sneaked out from thai club yesterday (missed something great).....my friend got a JACKPOT - one pretty but drunk girl...u know la...no need to tell so detail in here......kekekekeekee:)

1. i waiting for fire spark last nite... but unfortunately someone juz read never post... for mre ddetail ask sim.....

2. 5115 very concern about ur thread and warned me :banghead::banghead:

3. SF last nite landing ma....

4. about jackpot we almost strike soon also la... juz wait and see... :thefinger:
This one is Jin for sure.....Hahahaha...I also have the same thought as you YH when I saw the statement. SF you 'crab fall' loh...translate into Cantonese...

SF, you spoke to Carace in dreams? Hahaha...you are too over man....Carace is my girl..try to snatch away from me ah.....want to die or not? :smokin:
Haha! I was asking Carace when is the next event, cuz was hoping to see FY again. Didn't go after her lar...I dun snatch or go after friends' gf geh...

Not JIN lar...i have not met JIN before impossible i will know how he look like lolz!

morlin guys.....

SF kanne... i where got MIA?? everyday i'm reading ur essay la... juz i got nothing to say then i never post nia...
Haha! Ya lar...remain MIA by just reading lo hehe! No longer long essay adi lo...adi retire from long essay. Aiyo u dun always kanne lar lolz! Must change to better words like damn more polite ma haha! :rofl:

dd05: u no need to sleep ah....keep watching the thread whole nite to see who spark fire ah??

5115: so early online......untung la ZtoH have u

SF: why didnt come for yesterday TT?

i sneaked out from thai club yesterday (missed something great).....my friend got a JACKPOT - one pretty but drunk girl...u know la...no need to tell so detail in here......kekekekeekee:)
Me fever go on and off since monday morning till today lar bro..only today fever went down adi...hope won't get it again lar haihz! Sick until i scared leh...sorry to u guys I didn't get to go TT lar then couldn't get ang pow from u also lar EvoZ. Especially 5115 and father bunta this year also didnt give me ang pow yet...maybe giving me 4agze engine gua lolz!

That girl is teman duduk one or friends? lolz! One night stand meh? if stranger later consider as rape susah lo...:banghead:
I think this SF shoot too many aeroplane until his body weak, better stop thinking of FY and Carace for a while and think of this instead...will cool your body down.

blank...mayb i abit slow..but juz nw go check on i think JAN issue of Shift magazine...FY pose wif KP61 wor..see..ur can can pick up chicks liao..hehe
brader....my kp are slow,underpower,tonggek,the paint was faded and etc...

that KP60 is fast,fierce,matt black and more powderful... :biggrin:
HKS Taikor: Bro, Thanks for all de tips & tricks yo!! Next battle, may I join.... to be a spectator? lol!

Next time battle i wanna join too... as a spectator cum commentor

Will notify u guys if there's an event. No worries....
wahh.. toking about snooker + lucky ball ar... u r dead meat... :thefinger::thefinger::thefinger:

Sifu Damon , SF, and etc and etc... master sifu la...

nice meeting you too bro HKS,do join us whenever you are free la (guess blank is sweating now...)

snooker session ar?i'll be the 1 to switch on the light for u guys :rofl:

OKOK! next TT we play lucky ball aight?! then SF can play lucky balls at the SPA next door.. searching for a FY look a like..... :rofl::rofl:

hi HKS, nice meeting you too. tks for joining us as you drove all the way from cheras. :wavey:
Pleasure all mine sir

Lolz! DD05 welcome back to Action. MIA so long then come back put me on table liao lolz! Miss u a lot man...so long didn't see u. Busy turning ur Lancer into Monster is it? :rofl:

Snooker/Lucky Ball no problem...even though I'm the weakest among all sifuS like 5115, Derrickho, Monaro, and etcs.

Aiya, I don't need Felixia to give me injection lar...I see her I straight away fully cured :rofl:

I think it will work even though I have not tried that method yet lolz! Have a very bad dream about Felixia last night...nightmare man...2nd time see her in my dream. :banghead:

Too bad, I missed out all the ang pows and have to wait for next year...bloody fever tortured me till yesterday. Now felt better but hopefully it won't come back again...really dunno what is happening to me...few days ago really make me feel like death is near *touchwood*....:banghead:
OMFG! U & your dreams........ end up happened like DD05's story, watchin hamsap clips at Evo'Z house, keyboard sticky, cockroach looking for food, died due to too much protein shot on the wall :rofl::rofl: jkjkjk

BLANK - Genting now?!
blank...mayb i abit slow..but juz nw go check on i think JAN issue of Shift magazine...FY pose wif KP61 wor..see..ur can can pick up chicks liao..hehe

eh, you insult blank kor meh? its chicks pickup blank you know... :biggrin:

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