Zth hq tt

sudah update kat depan la... u saje tengok belakang sure la... LOL..
Sierra - u better make sure u stand by your words.. if you have a micro mini dress on a hot body.. it's ok..if u have a normal clothss on a hot body - i will make sure Tom tears some parts off... if u have a normal clothes on a XXXXL sized body... um that counts too la.. but if u have a micro mini dress on an XXXL body... i will hop in d car and boost 2.5 bar ... running away...i'm sure d rest will join us too... LOL
Sierra - u better make sure u stand by your words.. if you have a micro mini dress on a hot body.. it's ok..if u have a normal clothss on a hot body - i will make sure Tom tears some parts off... if u have a normal clothes on a XXXXL sized body... um that counts too la.. but if u have a micro mini dress on an XXXL body... i will hop in d car and boost 2.5 bar ... running away...i'm sure d rest will join us too... LOL

unfortunately BHL, now i have gained weight alot... okay, hope Tom has the guts to tear some part off my cloths.. ngeh3 :listen:
He is asking... if u r not free on 25th.. whether u r free tonight to TT with him.... Tits Talking.. not Teh Tarik
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