ZTH Awareness & Garage Sale Event


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Senior Member
Jan 2, 2004
Actually, I'm not really sure where to put this so I'll stuff this thread in here till Tom advices on where it should exactly be.

I just had this rough idea... and although there is a high percentage that it may just fail and go down the drain, I thought I might as well share it with y'all. At least my brain matters on thinking about this is shared. haha

Since the market place section in this forum is one of the very active sections, I thought that maybe it would be good help for those who are trying to sell their stuff.

What I have in mind is...

Automotive/anything-else Garage Sale
We could try to seek approval from, let's say, One Utama, to use one of their car parks to have a marketplace sale. In the forum, they could only reach out to those who goes into the market place. In the marketplace event, they could reach out to those who don't come into ZTH. Something like an automotive pasar malam. Of course, we'll have to see how many people will take part first, then only organize this. If there's at least 50 or more people who are willing to take part, then we could start something. This will, at least, help boost their sales opportunities. Indirectly, it'll also boost ZTH's name, if ZTH don't mind being affiliated with this idea.

Car Exhibition
In line with this, we could gather all the nice cars and have a little car show for those who comes to the marketplace. At least there's that bit of "wah, nice car la" kind of thing. hehe I would, if at all possible, have some "guards" to keep a close watch over those cars being displayed (unless the owners don't require it) so that the cars are not damaged. Perhaps cordoning off the cars at a safe distance, so it becomes like an exhibition thing. Also, we could have separate sections like ICE, body kit, performance, accessories, etc. More organized that way.

Legal section
Maybe it's high time we bring out the law for those automotive enthusiasts to know the law accordingly, and their rights as well. This is going to be difficult because we would probably have to engage the authorities to ensure that all items/things/whatever that is being displayed or talked about, is legit and according to law. So this is something like an awareness program, which makes people aware of the right ways of driving (inclusive of road courtesy) and also all the laws which we should all know about.
This would also be a good place to have a little suggestion area. Maybe put a piece of paper and some pens (these pens need to be tied dead to the table with strong chains) so that visitors can write in suggestions on how to improve anything related to being on the road. For example, we may well receive tons of suggestions to have round-abouts removed throughout malaysia. Perhaps those who don't mind using the internet, we could setup an e-mail for them to write their suggestions into. For those who just wants to write on paper, we'll provide small pieces of paper to write, maybe, 3 suggestion in areas related to being on the road, which they would hope the govt would improve.

Dialogue with the authorities
Perhaps many would just bring guns and shoot the authorities but let's chill out for a moment. I think this is rather important. I know many disagree, dislike, some even despise with their generations, the authorities. Let's just chill out hatred down a bit. Have an open dialogue with the authorities and allow people to voice out their dissatisfaction. Have an open but peaceful dialogue. Of course, there must be a very well, calm, open minded and very good conversationalist moderator to control this dialogue, so that people won't be angry. We could set up a table, which will be cordoned off and guarded by the relevant party, and have the moderator/MC to walk around to bring the mic to people to voice their opinions out. Then, the authorities could answer from the table. I know this particular idea is a very dangerous idea, considering that quite a large number of malaysians like to act based on their emotions, rather than their rational thinking. Well, an idea to consider, perhaps?

Anything else to add on....
Erm.... anything else to add on? hehe

And my main objective is....
to bring unity amongst malaysians, through open, friendly and peaceful socialising and understanding. I still feel sad about where this country is going, especially with those one sided political adjustments that are being made to this country. However, I'm not going to talk about political stuff here and I would hope the rest won't turn this into a political talk thread. Basically, I am hoping that with friendly, laughter based socialising, we could learn to compromise with each other's weaknesses, and learn from each other where we ourselves can't see. If unity don't start somewhere, then I really don't know where it's going to start.

Well, if this doesn't work out, let's just discuss about an event like this.

I hope everyone will keep an open heart, a wide mind and a humurous and happy attitude about life and everything that comes with it. :)
my experience la....some 'buyers'...i repeat SOME...are bloody cheapskates...want heaven stuffs for hell's price...already enuff headache selling online...apa lagi if direct sales....ahahhahahahahhaha....not many msian have thousands in pocket...so mebe u can sell 1 or 2 a nite...which i think someone like me wont want to waste time with standing all nite long :P..but gud idea nonetheless
Well, even those who sell fruits in pasar malam will face people who say that RM10 for 20 oranges is expensive. heh heh Those who are willing to put things up for sale should have well be prepared to expect the unexpected ma hehehe maybe those bloody cheapskates can go build their own product lor hahaha
seriously...i still remember one case...selling few days old rims with damn 9 9 good tyres...putting RM1.5k...the fella ask me to sell to him 700 and he'll purchase them right there and there since he's already in subang...nabeh...haahhahahahahahahahah
malaysian style .. 'buying one thing seems like buying the whole malaysia' .. lol.
Satria_95 : I think it is a great idea but i wonder how many will participate. I will join you guys but 1 utama is quite from my location. Anyway, i would like to hear the good news from this thread..keep it up!!
like hartamas fleee market sounds fun also wif all de cars stuff ekekeke
Then you find the same rims as yours, but way much older and sell to him lor. haha But really, these people are really pushing their luck to the max, only to find that it's usually useless. haha

One utama was just an example ler. hehe Will see how things goes and if the numbers are good, then we'll have to rope Tom in for the discussion as well. heh heh Guess I'm just planting hope in here. heh heh

We'll leave you in charge of the babes, can ar? hehe
make it on weekdays.
dun weekends, jam like f*ck......
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maybe u can do it in merdeka days and do it in a place that they going to held the countdown sure got alot ppl there

if u want to do as it is flee market(every week) is best to rent gov space rather than private space,something like shah alam parking space behind the stadium,

aids:if wanna sell thing,ppl aim at the place that have alot ppl. if do on weekdays there will be no ppl cos every 1 is working.so the best is do it on weekends

bty nice thinking satria, no 1 had ever think of auto accessories flee market
Actually, my intentions for this event is to foster mutual understanding towards unity of the citizens and the authorities. As it is now, the govt is not doing a very good job in taking care of the country, not even considering the state of the citizens.

Many citizens are now against the authorities and you know how the authorities works. They only want to practice power. So, if the open dialogue between the visitors and the authorities can be done, then I would hope that the speaker for the authorities would be a humble and open person and I also do hope that the citizens don't flare up on sensitive issues and blast the authorities just like that.

I myself, won't mind giving a short/long talk about things in general from my point of view but this would be done as a side line thing. I just feel that we are too caught up about what we want but almost all the time, what we want is basically the things that makes we our ownselves feel better. We are too caught up and too worked up about having things go our way, rather than things going a way where majority of the people could live up to it. In short, many are selfish. And I don't know why I keep trying to compromise where I could. Makes me look like a stupid fool for compromising all the time, even if it did trouble me that bit.

Anyway, yeah, it's more of an awareness thing. If this works out to be a success, we could also rope The Star and local reporters in to cover this event. May God bless this nation.
ur intention something like that UPM booth case but ur idea can make money from it.....good!

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