why bnr price never drop????


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Sep 17, 2009
before this unreg price is 220k - 240k

used at this moment also 200k to 230k

are their control the price?loan also cannot go high for this monster even your pay slip is gooD
Not entirely true. I know some were transacted well below those figures. It also depends on the year made, specs, variant of the GT-R, condition, mileage, how desperate is the seller, etc.....
yeah i think that's the 'seller's' price ..look hard enough you'll find 170~180K. be patient and once the R35 becomes more attainable and loan for r34 is not available it will become cheaper.

just like NSX it will bottom out around 130k once there's no loan available. just speculating tough.
Who says?

BNR34 was 330k , now 170-200k can get
BCNR33 was 155k, now 80-85k can get
BNR32 was 110k, now 150k can get hehehehe :love:
haha GTR is not like other honda toyota mazda conti car normally seen on the streets ya know...this GTR is another level from another planet way higher than the 3some big time...since it has bcum cult status,,,so the price also bcum cult status which means it is destined 2 stay same 4 another 10 years haha
Who says?

BNR34 was 330k , now 170-200k can get
BCNR33 was 155k, now 80-85k can get
BNR32 was 110k, now 150k can get hehehehe :love:

Back in 2001 Mofaz was selling the BNR34 brand new for 500K ++
buying gtr good investment i think,the price growing up

Perhaps.. but since purchasing it requires a good sum of cash with very low loan percentage, it is still a willing seller, willing buyer type of sale..

So if there are buyers loaded with cash and willing to buy the car at the high so-called market price, then it would be a good investment.. But if not, well..

But honestly, who the heck does not mod a car like the GT-R.. and once modded, money down the drain and thus IMHO it can't be an investment lah. It is still not bricks and mortar..

As a rule, cars will always depreciate.

IMHO, BNR34s will depreciate further especially now it's nearing the age limit for car loans.

BCNR33s have pretty much hit rock bottom since no loans are available for them.

BNR32s too. But they seem more collectible due to being the original GTR (except for the even more pricey Hakosuka), and very difficult to find or import into Malaysia.
Hence the minimum RM150k price tag :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

In Japan or countries with no import restriction, BNR32s are the cheapest.:love:
so its 'technically' just about the price of R35's nowadays arr? :biggrin:

Wouldn't the most accurate way of measuring depreciation be using the price of the car brand new (in Yen) and then year of manufacture then compare it to current prices?

If you wanted to, I'm sure someone could come up with an algorithm to include the number of years a certain model was in production (R32 longest out of past 4 models), number of units produced (I'm guessing R32 the most produced but I'm going based on the fact was in production from 1989-1994), etc which would probably tell you that - although the R32 to R34 GTRs were produced in different numbers, the R32s have shown the lowest rate of depreciation despite being the most widely produced.

I guess while you're at it, you could calculate what launch price of those models were in todays dollar terms relative to income for that period and find even more interesting relationships? So you can see to what degree income levels have had on the rate of depreciation for the various 32,33,34 and 35.

I don't know, I didn't do too well at maths nor did I study maths as a degree. But I'm sure one of you guys did. So work it out?
[PIMPIN];4522876 said:
Wouldn't the most accurate way of measuring depreciation be using the price of the car brand new (in Yen) and then year of manufacture then compare it to current prices?

If you wanted to, I'm sure someone could come up with an algorithm to include the number of years a certain model was in production (R32 longest out of past 4 models), number of units produced (I'm guessing R32 the most produced but I'm going based on the fact was in production from 1989-1994), etc which would probably tell you that - although the R32 to R34 GTRs were produced in different numbers, the R32s have shown the lowest rate of depreciation despite being the most widely produced.

I guess while you're at it, you could calculate what launch price of those models were in todays dollar terms relative to income for that period and find even more interesting relationships? So you can see to what degree income levels have had on the rate of depreciation for the various 32,33,34 and 35.

I don't know, I didn't do too well at maths nor did I study maths as a degree. But I'm sure one of you guys did. So work it out?

aiyaaa so complicated wannn.....no need lor....ini maciam kira....:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

BNR34 tulun haliga RM15k tahun tahun...
BCNR33 suda talaa tulun haliga...
BNR32 mau naik haliga RM10k tahun tahun hehehehe :love:

On a more serious note, BNR32 was 4.175 million yen brand new (plus options, and plus more for special production models).
On a more serious note, BNR32 was 4.175 million yen brand new (plus options, and plus more for special production models).

My Nismo R32 was bought for almost RM170k when new (recond) but that was in 1991.. I sucked at economics last semester so tell me how much is that worth in current money.. around 4 million yen I suppose?
I think R32s have retained their values the best locally. Worst I think could potentially be the R35 but time will tell. R33s are probably second best when it comes to holding its value.

All my opinion, no calculations as I'd probably stuff them up and end up with a bra size as the final figure. SPM Add Maths 8 bro! LOL!
Must also see condition and also if it really have a BNR34 RB26DETT inside.
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