What sort of gauge(s) to install on NA cars?


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 13, 2006
Hi guys,

While I'm kinda waiting for nice bodykits, i decided to look into cosmetic enhancement inside my car. Don't with to meddle with ICE just yet as I'm quite happy with the stock one, I'm curious as to what sort of gauges that a NA car owner may benefit from installing them?

For a turbocharged/supercharged car, they might need the boost, oil temp and water temp gauges to let the owners know that their engines is running well. But what about NA cars? I definitely don't need a boost gauge, but what about the other gauges like water, oil, volt or vacuum (not sure if there is anymore)? The stock temperature gauge on the dashboard, i assume is the overall engine temperature?

Not sure whether this had been discussed before, but i hope you guys can give some insight to me on this.

Thanx in advance! :shades_smile:
hrm,for NA u can go for a cluster which are oil. temp, water temp. and int. manifold press.
wah, 4 gauges? that a bit too extreme right? though no budget yet, but still 4 gauges will make my car look messy... was thinking around 2 big ones or 3 small ones... thinking of customizing to put it just above the radio headunit... got one space there i think for ppl to put 2-din headunit if they want to... maybe that area i might be able to put 2 or 3 gauges...

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haha no no.i mentioned only 3. out it on the middle of the dash.nice* hehe

the stlye u mentioned is also nice.but i think u have to get a panel to mount the 3gauges in place rite?
oh.... yahor, 3... something wrong with my eyes... heehe....

the panel, i duno whether this is feasible, but I was thinking of drilling 3 holes into the original panel... so, it might look as if they are stock gauges... hahahahahahahha.... ppl will like... "fwaahh... i didn't know that got this version of NEO... " hehehhee....

issit possible to drill into the original panels?
what's the function of oil. temp, water temp. and int. manifold press?
for example, if oil temp too high or too low, what does that indicate? I know something is not right, but anyone what went wrong potentially?
oil/water temp too high, may indicate that your cooling system not working. Thus it is prudent to check radiator, the fans and also the water level and see anything wrong with them. as for inttake manifold, that i also need someone to enlighten me.. hehehe...
Hi Alex,

Well, those gadgets will only b useful if u hav modded engine which u need accurate reading frm the mods u hav done. Ur car is in stock form so ur Ecu will do all da monitor 4 u hence u dont really need them.

Besides ur car is still new, why would u wanna void da warranty by installing those gadgets? Hmmmm, unless u r not bother about da warranty.

Anyway, happy modding.
Like mine ok lor..

Gauges are:
- Battery, RPM, Vacuum ... enuf

no need like powerful car just have it to monitor conditions. If u put many many gauges then u wont be seeing road.
c00lric, thanx for your input. I didn't know by installing those stuff will void the warranty. Coz i didn't do anything to the engine. Tot might still be under the warranty if i just add the gauges...

hehe.. just want to make my ride cool... and i think by installing some gauges might look nice. hehehe....

sakuraguy, nice gauges... i dun think i need a rpm, neo has one already.. what's the battery and vacuum gauges for?
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i have a pen-timer,oil press n oil temp....water temp use ori fm the dash is good enuf
Battery gauge is to provide reading for ur battery whether is running low or at it optimum stage.

Vacuum gauge, not mistaken is how much air is goin' into ur intake. Pls correct me if i'm wrong.
if it's not neccessary, dun put all the gauge cos it makes yr car more attractive to break in....after u put, u park everywhere also u scare ppl break into yr car to get yr gauge
true enough. But still, we can do some extra precaution like not park at dimly litted areas.... if scared ppl break in, dun drive loh.. hahhaa... like that buy car for what? dun mod bodykit.. scared stupid drivers bang your ride... so, i believe that they are ways to reduce the risks involved. :)
the more u tint,the more curious the thieves will be cuz they cant see inside n only way is to smash ur window to get a better view...what do they lose if they dont get caught?
PocRoc, possible also. :biggrin:

btw, getting a gauge is 1 thing, getting accurate gauge is another thing.
price different for a cheap and Defi gauge, anyone? :biggrin:
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