Topgear - savvy was laughed about

Really hope tht Top Gear has a show in Malaysia. Then proton will really be ashame..
I think the ppl who ordered the Savvy and is anticipating it now will feel very tiu'ed and keeps standing biased to the Savvy... Hahaha...!!! Face the fact la... Savvy is... OH GET IT OFF MY SCREEN... HAHAHAHA...!!!
Savvy So Lembut Like Sawi Thehehe ... Cant C Many Cars On The Road More Myb Only .. Buy Myb So Cun
JUNGLE CLEARING! :D roflmao... i still cant get over that even after came back from office :D

hey! mr. bean's arch enemy niah! the yellow car is a british creation??? ZOMGWTHROFLMAO!! :D
ROFL...i know most of u hate proton neither me...but a bit kesian lar,we also malaysian...
aih...this is a ending for Lotus. Proton distroy it...gahmen protect proton too much n we all hate gahmen. :D
haha of coz kesian la, but what will cursing them do to help us? brits are brits, they are the king, they are assholes = king of assholes. but in all honesty, they arent THAT biased.. and besides, its just jeremy's opinion that's obviously exaggerated, the others James n the other guy were casual about it. thats y i laff it up, there's no reason (and use) to get worked up on this...

kesian la, bcoz they still think we are living in mostly jungle, altho cleared :D the savvy? i couldnt care less about what they comment. i only noticed the jungle clearing roflmao. kesian, jungle ppl we are :p
well, jeremy clarkson is a bit biased towards british cars....but if they make rubbish cars, he will criticise like hell doubt bout tat.....

btw, i do notice there r loads n loads of savvy advert but not so much of them on the streets.......myvi on the other hand, havent seen much of its advert but got loads of them on the street...... proton is losing out bad......kesian...? such thing lah, this is wat happen if u produce such rubbish.....not once, but many times ....
lolol, rubbish company like proton should be demolish long time ago, it was a joke from the start
myvi and savvy is launched almost same date, just a weeks or 2 diffrent ( if i am not mistaken ) but honestlly i just saw 1 savvy on the road only, after saw almost 10 myvi a day. i think this might be the second tiara.
namzycad3 said:
myvi and savvy is launched almost same date, just a weeks or 2 diffrent ( if i am not mistaken ) but honestlly i just saw 1 savvy on the road only, after saw almost 10 myvi a day. i think this might be the second tiara.

spyderslr said:
well, jeremy clarkson is a bit biased towards british cars....but if they make rubbish cars, he will criticise like hell doubt bout tat.....

btw, i do notice there r loads n loads of savvy advert but not so much of them on the streets.......myvi on the other hand, havent seen much of its advert but got loads of them on the street...... proton is losing out bad......kesian...? such thing lah, this is wat happen if u produce such rubbish.....not once, but many times ....

MYvi and Savvy first day launching.
MYvi sold 15000++ unit and Savvy 450 - 500 on the first day launch.

See the different.
walaua! buat MALU! but savvy really like a shit! no know why
proton untill now about 20years history, little bit improve also no! saga,iswara,satria,wira,waja,gen2 untill now savvy, only the earlier generation wira(japan management) is ok! now all out! really buat MALU, front look for savvy really like a cake
back view like no know how to say...............only can say is shit, WAH! proton have to wake uploh! don't spend so many money to cup of coffee, use the money to get more qualify designer, qualify technician and also qualify management! if not ppl will call proton savvy to pokok sawit :D :D :D :D
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