This is from a 16 years old kid


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2005
Current Malaysian Affairs

As we all know, Malaysia's economy seems to be getting from bad to worse. No offence to the guys at the top, but don't any of you think that it is somehow their fault the current situation in Malaysia is happening? For example, the recnt AP issue and the squabble between the current and former prime ministers.

Of course, there is also the issue of the RM490 million potential white elephant. Do we prefer to spend RM490 million on a sports complex in England for the sole reason that "it's difficult to get top coaches to come to Malaysia"

Then again, there's a certain Datuk who says that our atheletes would do better if they trained in the English weather. I'm sure our atheletes who always fail to impress in the local tropical climate would miraculously become the top in their various sports after a few training sessions in the cold weather. It's no wonder they are asking us to pay so much taxex.

With the continual sharp increases in fuel prices, consequently leading to higher prices in EVERYTHING that Malaysians pay for and the failure of the inflation rate (for the wages of our good people) to keep up with this trend, where do you think that this country will be in 30 years?

After thinking about it, isn't it sad that our friends in Sarawak are not even earning more than RM 3,000 a month.

Get a calculator first and we'll try to do some calculations together.Assuming that only the man of the house works, the average income of a Malaysian is RM5000. I know I might be exaggerating here but to make things simple let's take RM5000 as the average. Let's start rolling with a family of four.

Calculation starts.....

Electricity Bill RM 150 ( No air-con, no water heater, K?)
Water Bill RM 20 ( Let all the plants die and try drinking less water to save)
Phone Bill RM 300 ( Streamyx, calling BF/GF, SMS, business calls)
Meal for the whole happy family RM1500 ( 3 meals per day for four people)
Papa makan/teh tarik during working hours RM150 (RM5 per day, RM5 can eat what? Nasi Lemak ar?)
Car repayment RM400 ( A proton saga aeroback, 7 years repayment)
Petrol RM500 ( Living in the city, traffic jam, have to bring son to school and wife to market etc.)
Insurance RM650, ( whole family of course).
House repayment RM1000 (Low cost housing repayment for 30 years, retired still have to work to pay house!)
Tuition RM100 (got that cheap meh?? No, I don't think so)
Children's school pocket money RM20 (RM1/day, eat bread??)
School fees RM200 (enough ah??)
School books and stationary RM300 ( Text books free of charge because of fake pay slip, some $$ to pay
Miscellaneous RM100 (shampoo, soya sauce, occasional pack of cigrattes,toilet paper)

Now, let's use a calculator to total all of this up. Holy shit!! RM5290 already, and I still haven't factored in the EPF and income tax. How are we Malaysians going to survive? Not all of us enjoy a 7% discount when we purchase properties you know? I suppose we have to stop sending our children to school and start pissing at public toilets just to save some money. Then again, the last time I went to a public toilet, there was shit all over the toilet bowl and the walls were full of graffiti. Of course, the country's leaders still had the nerve to claim that the report showing Malaysians as the second rudest in the world was fake. I'm sure the polite citizens of Malaysia would at least know how to flush the toilet after using it, don't you agree?

It's a little sad that we are a first world country with a third world mentality. What is this? Inilah Malaysia "Boleh".!69EBB5098E94EC9A!162.entry#post
oh well...what to do....too much nonsense going on in this country...
really from 16 year old kid mehhh ??!! i thought unker fred post this before....

Unker Fred!!! you 16 year old meh ??! wahahahahhahahaa !!!
Yup, Mr Fred did post such thing. But its definitely not from a 16 year old. But from a married person. But really times are tough. So better be careful when spending money.
wow 16 years drive car n buy house and jaga whole family expenses,this one must be a Wonder Boy :laugh:
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