The End of Road for Proton?


Known Member
Nov 25, 2011
Now Proton has been bought over by DRB Hicom and DRB is likely to sell Lotus, does this mean its the end of the road for Proton? No more Lotus handling or engine.....

So does this mean its the end of the road for Proton? Probably they will just exist as a budget car manufacturer and won't be surprised to see the current Satria Neo as the last Neo around.......

Well, at least I have to say its the best Proton car though!!
i don't think so... remember who was drb JV with before acquiring proton? and where does they came out with the money to buy proton in the 1st for thought...
what is my bigger concern than "selling lotus tought"

was the exchange of current ceo DSZ with other not so capable CEO (from drb choosen guy definately)....that would be a doom if happens :adore:

because DSZ have been bringing new life to proton since the takeover from prev. "tengku"
Proton was heading in the right direction under Dato' Syed Zainal's (DSZ) leadership. The brand image is definitely improving with recent models like Neo R3, Saga and Exora CFE. I think it would be very hard for Proton to continue to survive in the ever challenging automotive world without a brilliant head of company like him. I hope his successor will be a able to follow his footsteps.
No matter how,we still hope that proton can be more better.
As i see now the new model from the proton can consider not that bad,they still have lot of space to develope.hope proton can keep it up.:party:
After seeing the release of the satria neo, satria neo CPS, R3. I have high hopes for proton because of what they did. I wish they can continue to make cars like that and owning a satria neo CPS was a happy moment for me and still driving it now.
No matter how,we still hope that proton can be more better.
As i see now the new model from the proton can consider not that bad,they still have lot of space to develope.hope proton can keep it up.:party:

NOT at the expense of the Rakyat. If Proton's market is ONLY Malaysia. Please, close shop. The Rakyat cannot afford to sustain Proton. Remember Proton is a business, and if it doesn't make dollars and cents, it deserves to fold.
NOT at the expense of the Rakyat. If Proton's market is ONLY Malaysia. Please, close shop. The Rakyat cannot afford to sustain Proton. Remember Proton is a business, and if it doesn't make dollars and cents, it deserves to fold.

Agree with you, bro.

As Proton is a business venture....and like any other business ventures.....its main purpose is to make profit. A company that cannot make profit should close shop. Who, in a correct mind set, would want to run a company that makes losses year in, year out?

Patriotism and national pride is important.....but it cannot mix with business sense.
Wonder where can we find Lotus cars in future if Proton intends to sell more Lotus handling?
Maybe proton had already knew how to make cars with Lotus handling?

Brand new Lotus Exige S 2012 just launched about a month or 2 back if not mistaken. Even saw one on the road so far...
lotus handling is getting old fashioned, but i dont mind honda's handling though hehe.....
Agreed. As much as I support Proton, it's first and foremost a business. No profit, no business. Same goes for MAS.

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