Team Black Hoods


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 8, 2006

just a thought. since there are many ppl that paint their car hood black colored, y not u post ur car photos here... then we can see how it look like in different type of car.

the Original Carbon Fibre bonet owner, need not post.. kekekekeke...:mouth_closed:


ah b00nn!!! lai lai!:X-:
hahaha no1 dare to post here la...later joker come in and boom them with the TFCF....hahahaha
joeker once posted a wira with interfooler right...?
recently i saw one satria with the interfooler thingy....
i think there's a bunch of them...hehe.
I will post after i done it la... hopefully this weekend going to paint all black to all bonet. kekekek... actually my bonet front and back paint is menggelupas (peeling off).. rust starting on the surface. so wanna paint again... then i thought.. y not black like the Initial D ae86 stylo? heheeh...

i know b00n done it.. hehehe.. come come b00n.. post together la.. joeker says Team FCFH or FCFB is ok.. we just spray black wat.. not spray to CF look.. ok ma... hehehe
ahh...heard someone call me....sorry for the late reply...heroes are always bz....
later joker tembak me ler...
kekekeke start:
some other random shots that I took:
another zth member which I don't know who:

car that won a lot of show car competition in Kuching:


Drag master:

sorry for the blurry pics taken from my camera phone.
ahh...heard someone call me....sorry for the late reply...heroes are always bz....
later joker tembak me ler...
kekekeke start:

wah white body with black hood, nice mixed and nice ride bro...:X-:
nowadays really got many car with black hood,
last weekend kena road block, police also ask "why semua bonnet kereta sekarang calar hitam? cantik ker" hahaha....

mujur la tak kena saman....
waahh.. bOOn edi bcum a photographer.. hahaha.. :D
hehe since everyone posting their black hood, i also wanna post some la, but sorry all toyota only.....
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