SNF Round 5 Experience Report from me.

tyre botak nvm..the wallet botak lagi teruk..

ftzone: joining next round SNF?
I think my Archiles is 100. But car still in workshop with engine out for a rebuild. Will probably take another 2 weeks. And then I need to run in the car.
HKS, I think if you are talking about racing lines, I guess I've got that covered. But in events like SNF, best racing lines is no longer the decisive factor in winning. Because mostly everyone either is in a defending line or attacking line especially those positioned in the first 3. Utilizing best racing lines is for time attack events.

replied like a true racer. bravo

you are flattering me ler.. me where got true racer la.. just play play only.. syok sendiri nia.. if true racer surely stand on podium d..

when is the next RCA trackday? any in Sept or Oct? let me know.. some of my friends really need to satisfy their heavy foot addiction.
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