smaller cars get bullied by bigger cars.


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Aug 14, 2005
Smaller cars usually get bullied, that is why they are more aggresive on the roads. agree?..
From the way I see it... if a smaller car hogs the right lane too long... the bigger cars will tailgate them closely as a sign to move out. While this is not the proper way... but then again... why hog the fast lane?

In my case, I will flash once... just once... but they usually move the slower lane (good). But, sometimes... some drivers too kiasu and stay put on the fast lane... as result? The bigger cars will overtake them from the left and swerve into the right lane dangerously...
especially when coming to a toll... always the bigger car will look for a smaller car to sipped in. if the driver is female..better and easier to bully. but beware...these females only look front.. they dun look at the sides! :P
Haha... shit.. i feel abit bad.. but maybe its because my first car was a volvo.. and it was the smallest car in my house.... and its the old boxy 240SE.. i have form a very bad habbit of going after smaller cars... trying 2 shake that habbit off... most of the time ppl give way b4 i need to do anything... :p
dino, you are driving a tank.. of cause ppl give way. if me also i give way...
Yeah man.. a tank.. everybody says that.. thats the first thing my dad told me.. "I'm giving you a tank".. haha
my car kena bang by a 2004 camry and he just run away,and i m not able to chase him ,does it reflect the topic?
dun bully old cars la..some driver of old car got kamikaze mind..hehehe.....come la come la...i dun care, scratch scratch la i got nothing to lose..
hehehe...tats how i feeling when driving my old volvo 240 big ass tank! i always bully new/nice car...hahaha..
7500RPM said:
Smaller cars usually get bullied, that is why they are more aggresive on the roads. agree?..

Dont agree with you there.

Either some of them feel the need to compensate for the small cars they are driving by showing off their madz drivin skillzs!!!
Also the fact that the cars are cheap, makes them more daring on the road, why? Because it cost less to fix.

Heck, you have never seen a kancil "bully" my landrover while queueing at the toll plaza.
so, do we, who drive bigger cars need to discriminate them who drives smaller car because they're much much more good at bullying and few here feek they're outmuscled?

I think we still need to remember the enemy here on the road are some individuals only. I would prefer if we can get NAMES!

ie : That bloody "Mahmud b Taik / Poon Tiu / Marukumutu Periukari" drives like shit! - ain't that much more fair to all...???
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I think the size of the car doesn't matter cos basically, malaysia is malaysia. Small car, big car, medium car, no car, all also will bully one another. hahaha
i just got back from kl. and i was stuck in a jam at the federal highway. the reason :

fire engine and bus stopped at the side and firemen in a group talking.

all those cars passing by watching those firemen and wondering what is happening. this causes jam.

i really hate ppl who slow their cars down and look at those so called accidents which in fact there is nothing.

if i can really just for once stop time and freeze everyone, i would like to :

1.get down from my car and walk to those fella who's head is looking directly at the incident.
2. pull them out from the car
3. take a rope and tie all those fella up in a straight line.
4. tie the rope to my car.
5.bring them to a sewerage where all the human shit is being trown
6. drive ... and not forgetting to UNFREEZE the time.
7. make sure those peice of shit feels their own shit
8. finally cut their legs off...
9. trow them in a big hole covered with shit
10. bury them alive together with those shits.
11. once a while.. water the buried area..make sure the people inside and the shit is kept watery

after they have died. i want to...
1. dig their bodies up again
2. shred their bones into dust
3. take those dust and then trow it into a pile of shit.
4. hire a bomoh to make sure they remain ghost and suffer in their own world.

i hate this people. i just hate these people. why can't they just mind their own business???.....
from what i experience.. sum i think never took the responsibility to look at the rear view mirror. hogging the fast lane.. if we tailgate them they say road bully.. so how? haih..
sumtime im forced to overtake on the far left lane as it's EMPTY. :frown:

how hard isit just to give way to faster car.isit cause im driving a small car? :bawling:
u may not be able to pass it off as "bullying", but i was just back from a small TT. and on the way back i made 2 bigger cars and numerous small cars get worked up. it was sooooo funny.

BORING SHAMELESS STORY ALERT! *turn back now if u cant tolerate self-congratulation* :lol:

1. black Saga LMST with GT wing cruising on the fast lane. i came out of the petrol station roaring, and zoomed up to his tail, braking to match his speed 3 cars length from his bumper (thats ~0.9 sec gap worr) i swear i dont tailgate purposely these days. he was so excited to see some car "terkam" him from such a high speed, the guy steadily sped up. u know la the time it takes a 1.3 engine on 4th trying to get to 140kmh. i kept the 3 car gap all the way to 140 bcoz the road was not packed. he rocketed to the leftmost lane to go around a car while i slowed down to stay behind the rightlane hogger. thats when the goody boy act paid off. before even coming to the "zag" after zigging the first car, he was blocked with 3 cars all side by side!! hahahahahahaha i smiled on my lane while he go left, the left car slowed down, go right suddenly the right car oso slowed down, he go left again.. and got thru after 5 seconds. the dumbest most kelam kabut move i've ever seen :lol:

of course he tapau-ed me hands down, switching his double signal as a sign of victory after he got 6 tiang ahead of me. i just got the satisfaction of watching an insecure dumbass getting worked up over "being tionged at 3 cars length" :rofl:

2. I was driving back home, a perdana was in front of me doing 120. i matched his speed, keeping a 2 car gap. sure enough, the guy starts speeding. i matched his speed and kept my distance. he was so worked up, he pushed to 160kmh and when i didnt budge (get left behind far2), he slowed down to see what the heck car is this :lol:

3. a brougham was in front of me a little while later. i matched his speed at a 2 car gap, after a minute he gave way (takut i was a robber or something). after i overtook him he tiong-ed me at 100kmh. wth? hahaa :lol: after taking a large highway exit to the now empty Cyberjaya highway, i punched it and the fella gaped for a while before giving up. (he would've overtaken me EASILY a few seconds later with his V6 if he kept flooring but didnt know why he quit)

smaller car bullying/holding its own against big cars? u tell me. :D

i swear i kept a considerable gap behind these ppl, but with a body language of "let me thru". saturday nite fever? :lol: almost everyone i saw tonite was in a "racing" mood. and yes, i got tapau-ed left and right. all i did was follow behind some speeding vehicles. maybe they thought i was racing them, maybe not. i will accept but not reply to any flames. thanks for ur time. :)
Oh man... never mess with a Brougham... can even outrun a 450WHP 2000cc car... and a 3000cc BMW!
i have a bad experince also,this early year i celebrate birthday party with my fren,then midnite i bring my gal home,then i drive my little corrola LE keep my speed around 100+-,at jinjang there,there is about 5 car distance of the wira,then i dim my headlamp to let him notice,then i pass him fast to show tat i rushing,after tat when reach the jln kuching,there have 3 line is it,not much car at the moment,but the wira suddenly come behind me n tailgate,at tat moment i turn to the 2nd line,but he keep stick to me,n then overtake me n get frt of me ply the game rabbit n turtle,slow n fast slow n fast,make me damn geram,but how?my engine not enuff power
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AE80TypeD said:
thats when the goody boy act paid off. before even coming to the "zag" after zigging the first car, he was blocked with 3 cars all side by side!! hahahahahahaha i smiled on my lane while he go left, the left car slowed down, go right suddenly the right car oso slowed down, he go left again.. and got thru after 5 seconds. the dumbest most kelam kabut move i've ever seen :lol:

Patience always pays off.

Rule of thumb is, stay away from the rightmost lane if you're not overtaking or speeding...unless you want someone to tiong you sooner or later.
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