rubber lining hanging under bumper touching de ground... serve any purpose?


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Nov 14, 2003

ask ask all de car zth car enthuasist ar ... i guess u all sure have seen some of those cars wif a rubber lining hanging under the bumper touching the ground wan, rite...

well, does that serve any purpose?? my wife's car got static shock everytime i off the engine n got out the car wanted to close the door... de door zapped me! isK! btw, it's a new car... a kenari... and i alwiz kena zap from it... hmm...

just wud wanna know does the rubber thing help? and wat is that and where can it be found?


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i believe the rubber acts as a protector from flying mud (especially from tyres). commercial vehicles (especially trucks carrying soil) are normally dirty. if they are too dirty, it can cause danger to other road users and they can be summoned.

this is the easiest way to ensure those vehicles are as clean as possible as they are on the tarmac.

if you want to earth excessive current, u shud use metal and not rubber.

the current shock u experienced may be come from your car. check the earth points and tighten them if necessary.

static electricity can also caused by drivers themseleves (myself experienced a few times). watch what you wear as the rubbing contact between your cloths and the seat surface material could possibly create such energy. its science, and nothing serious to worry.
thx for replying...

i believe u r saying the mudflap, rite? well, i don mean those... de rubber lining i'm talking about is just the size of a timing belt or any a/c belt... and it's hanging at de side or middle of the rear bumper... for showoff purpose maybe? hehe...

neway, the static electricity is abit annoying tho... i can live wif it... but sometimes really kena zap kau kau from it... isK!

just tot if there's some way to prevent it... btw, de ori kenari aero seat were not leather and fabric type (donno how to call it tho... hehe...)

the rubber lining not quite sure la bro... if can snap some photo of it and post up lo...

about the electric shock, can try do some grounding lo... i'm sure it will help... got some cheap cheap grounding cables around ma... no need go for performance type, as long as they can direct the charge away from ur car...
i believe u were referring the rubber strip that are mostly found on evo3 and those evo3 wannabe.

but sorry, i don't know the purpose of it myself.
yeah... it's a rubber strip... but i myself donno wat's de purpose and that's why i'm asking in here... guess izham knows wat i'm talking about here... hehe...

i'll try to snap a pics of it... hope i can find 1 tho... hehe...

i oso trying to find a way to prevent kena zap by static elecriticity from my wife's car whenever i drive her car... she complaint to me as well... hmm... any idea besides using grounding cables?

Probably serves as a grounding point?
Petrol freighter trucks typically have chains or strips linked from the tank to the ground for this purpose. Else the static might make it go fireworks...
I believe those dangling stuff aren't rubber. it's plastic, and grounds electrical current from the car to the ground. you should be zap-free once you put one of those under your car. just make sure it touches the ground.
dangerous?? guess if de material they use hanging there will know whether will it create sparks or not lor... if like those lorry hanging metal chain... then it will create spark lor i would say...

neway... plastic?? i tot it was rubber and it do look rubber to me... more like those timing belt cut-out and hanging dangling under the bumper...

no... not mudflap... mudflap is right behind the tyres wan mar, rite... this rubber thingy is hanging at de rear bumper... same row as ur exhaust tip... but not at exhaust lar... at underneath the rear bumper... i'll try to get a clear pic for all to see...

do hope i can see 1 around... coz' my area here tarak... gotto go source for 1... just don hope other ppl will think that i'm trying to kopek theirs! hahaaaaaaa!!

ya I know which one you're talking abt. Usually can be seen at the rear of some cars & vans. I've always wondered what purpose these things serve too! I reckon it's probably to indicate the car's speed I think.. hheheheh! Seriously I'm clueless too!
haha..i feel like those are plastic...but anyway...u try using the search engine in zth..last time there is a thread about this..and they said it act as a grounding for the car..some one selling it in zth also last month..stated from japan..
huh??.. u guys mean that rubber lining serves as grounding point, jz like those u find on tankers??.. nonono... rubbber cannot ground electric charge... plus, i didnt see before any car do such grounding before besides tankers...

i believe that rubber lining hanging around should be sticking along the parameter of ur rear bumper... try check along the parameter of ur bumper from the inside view... jz guessing...
that rubber thingy has some metal lining on it, it serves as grounding to earth...means neutral..all discharge goes down to the road...:)
hmm dat thing perfectly legal? to me it's annoying.. looks like the rubber lining is not fitted perfectly, hanging loose under the rear bumper
if u see clearly...the inner rubber lining has metal wire ....

grounding effect mah

if the car kena lightning.sure survive can kena lighting meh?!!..after that, become super duper fast car!! lighting.!!..champion wei!!
alamak... first time encounter such grounding for cars... nvm nvm, next time i check on other kenaris see if got the same rubber lining or not...

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