Road Bully> Black Perdana Xii Nam 323

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do not think that michael chong helps.. coz he hav much more things that is more serious than this.. i would suggest u to go DAP .. coz they are those pembangkang mah.. sure they will help you la........... sometimes MCA also wayang punya la....................
this is what i assume la...............
Haih...sorry to hear all this crap happening man...why don't just write to the STAR publish that fellows number-then he will know you meant business...

state the name of the police who took your report come cannot charge him?no reason la...its road bully....your friend has gotten a saman so what about that idiot?

should really go for it lar...

all this add up = real world....

sometimes ppl with money can do anything they like and persume they are above the law...

but things happen....let this b*astrd to protected...

fair? u read today or tomorrow newspaper stated that "bad ppl get served"

but it is true enough? judge urself....

c4 some1 and got 1 million, u can be bail.... later u are free"man"
money and politics

that perdana guy must have some serious anger should report it to suhakam too i think...fight for your rights !! :secret:
thanks guys....guess what..the stupid fella had the cheek to say that my colleague knocked him!..haha...funny thing is that her car was knock at the side and his was at the front....and the best thing is...the police believes him!!!...

Anyway we're trying to get some eye witness for evidence as this happened next to pavillion and we noticed there were some guards that night...

Think should just write a letter of complaint to Pak Lah to tell him the conduct of his ppl
agreed with harith.some ppl with have to respect too.mentang2 girl driving the
car,lansi langyong.i believe if the drive is a big guy,he sure wont dare to do anything

sorry to say for this guy it might be true, I was next to her and he still acted like that...he was also pissed that I kept defending her....yes she made a mistake to cut lane but she didn't cause any imagine him spitting at was really degrading!
aiyo... police sure help back the malays wan lo... anyway not trying to create any problem here...
no lar its not only the malay-the police not only see skin they only see $$$!!!
who got more then they help who lar...MALAYSIA BOLEH!!
Definately the police would believe him that yuor fren knocked him la.. coz ur fren never giv yumcha money to the police and that fella sure did it......

My advice is dun go police station again.. waste your time or worst come to worst ur fren kena lokap le.............
better straight to get help from those people to screw them~!!
aiyo this must b kaki bodek punya goverment servant. pangkat tinggi2 tp brain takdak. this kind of ppl that make malaysia still 3rd world country. bkos of our leader n their so very educated staff. shame la wei. dun show off that u r gangsta. this kind of ppl will kena 1 day if their do to wrong ppl. bodoh!!
actually our citizen is already first world mindset, only the government tries to stop us from improving by setting useless rules and regulations-

hope he burn in hell lar...spit somemore...really no bloody manners...haih...

Malaysia Boleh, my A**
First world, Eighteenth world, all the same.. Corruption is everywhere..
The thing that sets our beloved nation apart from "first" world countries, is OUR authorities can be "bought" for FAR less... RM 10, RM 20, a pack of Marlboro Lights.. Well, you get the picture..
deion: I understand from your side of the story that you and your friend did nothing wrong, and i know how road bullies are.. but frankly, if what you say about this guy being some kiss-a$$ in the G is true, then no point fighting... They'll surely win..
Sad story..
but dont need to show ur temper so ganas to a women rite?
lolz behind 1 is zth member front right 1 zth member adoi
should all put zth sticker at car can recognize haha so wont create trouble

Haha.. i second the motion.. that's a good idea.. i think people would be a little more
apprehensive if they see got ZTH sticker...
actually our citizen is already first world mindset, only the government tries to stop us from improving by setting useless rules and regulations-

hope he burn in hell lar...spit somemore...really no bloody manners...haih...

Malaysia Boleh, my A**

thats what i mean. our leaders scared because nowadays msian citizen is matured d. many of our citizen is educated now. so guys vote for who that u think is better to b the next goverment. just give a try to change the gov. let c what pembangkang can do. next 5 years can change back what. lets wipe out from the gov this kind of uncivilised fella.
maybe its time to change the government lar...i totally agree...maybe give chance to the indian ka, chinese ka, kadazan, iban, whatever other race to lead country for 5 years lar and see if there is changes-if not mar change back lor...
the best is bring it to the press... let all people know what actually happen

possible bring eye witness of the incident to come forward to pin point this barger was wrong... not need spend time with man in navy blue shirt... wasting effort oni... create a big news get the G notice ...
write a letter to star newspaper! under the letters section.. simple =)
let the readers read and more will comment on it and bring it up

not much xii nam car plates around, so far spotted only 1 black waja with it around pj area. will be eyeing for 323.
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