Rempit's races to be legalized as tourist attraction?


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Mar 1, 2004
Story quoted from NST

Putera UMNO

PUTERA Umno wants to turn Mat Rempit and their races into a tourist attraction.

It hopes to do this by re-organising the illegal races into a supervised activity.

There is potential in the Umno Youth junior wing�s aspirations. Mat Rempit usually have motorcycles that can reach speeds of up to 200kph. Coupled with the "wheelies� and other stunts they are adept at, they are natural entertainers.

Putera Umno chairman Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim said roads could be closed for organised Mat Rempit races.

"Many roads are closed for pasar malam. Why can�t we close the roads for our Mat Rempit once a week?"

"I know that there have been suggestions to allow them to race in Sepang and Batu Tiga, but that is not feasible because of the distance and not many people would turn up to watch."

Azeez, who has spoken to Federal Territories Minister Datuk Zulhasnan Rafique, hopes to start street races in the Klang Valley by next year.

Azeez said Putera Umno would approach Mat Rempit and help them change for the better under its Second Chance Programme.

"These youths failed to continue their studies, due to lack of interest or lack of money."

Over 1,200 of them are now enrolled in engineering courses at Tekad Auto College in Kajang.

Those with language skills are sent to Kolej Damansara Utama for Hotel Management and Catering courses.

Putera Umno has also started programmes such as the Motor Mercy Ride to collect funds for Lebanon and Palestine besides the Putera Motor Merdeka Ride on Wednesday.

Hmm, sounds like an idea to gather all of them n destroy them at the same time...!!!!....muahahahah.....what do you guys think...?
very good idea..... i love it..... can't wait to see all the BASTARDS die....
close the road, set up a trap, let them race, watch them all crash and die. what a good idea to wipe out these motherfuckers once and for all.
why not drifter can drift legally on mountain roads?
guys, plz keep racial issues aside....its sensitive ler.....wat they should haf done is rebuild a BT3 equivalent (or maybe a few) in Klang Valley rather than closing down the whole blardy main road for an event like this.......
Hahahahahahaha......hahahahaha....close the road.....Hahahahahah..hahahaha.....let them race once a week...Hahahahaha......hahahahahaha......

Why dont they do drag race also ? kind of a stupid idea by closing the road thing.....Pasar malam is mostly at housing area and even the road is close also wont cause massive jams at main road gua.

They want to close the housing area road or main road ?? If close main road sure hailat wan...massive jams because of those bloody rempits. If let the rempits do their stunts at housing area road sure kena complain by residents kau kau....I'm wondering where they want to close the road....Hmmmm..

They can't entertain me with their stunts but they can sure entertain me when they slams into concrete walls,pillars or slaps their head onto trailers....
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this whole thing reminds me of the Ministry of Health previously wanted to hand-out free hypodermic needles for drug addicts as a measure to curb the spread of Aids.


i'd guess there will not be gud response....

They like to perform without safety wear & rules....
Putera Umno chairman Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim said:
"I know that there have been suggestions to allow them to race in Sepang and Batu Tiga, but that is not feasible because of the distance and not many people would turn up to watch."

Batu Tiga??!!? Batu Tiga??!?!!

Does this idiot know WTF he's talking about? :Not_Impressed:
can't beat them...join them...

if you all so clever...
what you should do to handle them...???
stop complaining, instead give some
dun really think it will work for all rempit. cuz i know some before, and one of the reason they (just those i've talked to before, should not represent whole population of rempits) like to race on the road, with or without traffic, is because it is illegal. talk to some street racers before also, they say give them free track also they dun wan, cuz there's no traffic to zig zag through...
Question 1: Which Tourist would want to see 150cc 2 stroke Bicyles with motors..
Question 2: And this helps the people in what way?
Question3: Does it help the govt. in any way?
Question4: Is it for a long-term goal like better future generation of children?
Question5: Is it educational?

questions can go on..things like gangs..late-night rounds..should not be encouraged in a society.
make rempit races legal??...

pros: at least they dont race in public roads where other motorist are still using the road...

cons: this would not make them behave well on the street... in fact, they will become more road bully and start dominating the street....
rollakid said:
dun really think it will work for all rempit. cuz i know some before, and one of the reason they (just those i've talked to before, should not represent whole population of rempits) like to race on the road, with or without traffic, is because it is illegal. talk to some street racers before also, they say give them free track also they dun wan, cuz there's no traffic to zig zag through...

I couldn't agree more.

These are cheap-thrill-seekers, they need not law and order to perform, so by doing this I doubt it will reduce or eliminate the root of the problem.

The main thing they should be carrying now is full-fledge enforcement on areas inhabited by rempits on weekends. I mean non-stop, not only when the media is so loud about it, or whenever there's a rise in snatch theft, etc.

It's not about "if you can't beat them, join them", but more on focused roadblocks, traps, ambush, undercover team or whatever you call it.

Talking about this, they are better off catching innocent riders at proper motorcycle lanes.
hahahahahahaha! What stupid tourist wanna come see mat remz in action? Why waste forex that way? preeett!! reeeettt!!! wanna hear the annoying RXZ, Kriss sound ka? Pls la. Sure the Jepun or mat salleh come sakit telinga. If rempit use superbike ok la. :B
Can't beat them, Join them ?

Join them------die faster, alot faster.....

Beat them-------Oh longer and happily ever after...

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