Red Army (now China) against Central Army (now Taiwan)


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Senior Member
Nov 24, 2003
Hong Kong
Did you know, right after World War 2, where Japanese lost and ended.....

China had a civil war ..... very fast .......... not drag many many years....

The Red Army against Central Army

It was 1 : 10

700,000 Red Army against 7 million Central Army

Why and how Taiwan become Taiwan is so strange to me now.

Central Army had 10 times more men. They had aeroplane fighters in the sky, they had tanks, heavy artillery.....

Red Army had nothing........

How the hell did they lost ??????

My colleagues tell me during WW2, Red Army never take from the people. Never ask, never beg. All the commanders and soldiers were good.

Central Army's commander ordered their men not to take from the people. But obviously something was not right. Central Army buly the citizen, steal.... etc

So, during civil war, Central Army lost become did not get "the peoples" support.

Can you believe this ???????a
oi chin, u're scaring me lah... why suddenly always go study military stuff wan? u a conspiracy theorist arr now?

go get a car and mod it over there la, drive to shang hai and go track day... nia ma.. so free play command and conquer meh? :lol:

interesting fact BTW.
mebe chin read the ronnie liu's (DAP) article that said umno was not the country's real freedom fighters...on the contrary, chin peng was the one who was really fighting for the freedom of malaya. umno youth's (namely hishamuddin n KJ) launched an attack on the article and writer by making a police report and posting up a collage on umno youth's website showing that lim kit siang, karpal and some others with a 'forever communists' label. mebe all this got chin thinking lo.
Acoustic...what ya friend said is true...

but if u dont know...the strife between Kuomintang (KMT; Nasionalist) and the Communist or better known as PLA (People Liberation Army) nowdays started way before WW2....Kuomintang forces almost whoop Communist arse and that is when Chairman Mao decided to do the long march from Jiangxi region to the Shaanxi region which is about 6000km in the year 1934...

then suddenly...BANZAI!!!....KMT realized they cannot fight the japs alone so they made a fragile alliance between each other and fought the japs (tho' in between that time..they still fought each other..)..

after the war...they have a few quite time together..toast a drink and congratulate each other in their achievement to eject the disspised japs from China...but after a while all hell brake loosed...

during the civil a start PLA only control 30% of China land mass compared to 70% of KMT...but their agent and propaganda already infiltrated most of the rural area surrounding the city and gaining public support especially from the peasent/labour class...which so much corruption on behalve of the KMT government the outcome is inevitable...Beijing is captured without a fight...most of the soldier dessert or change side....and finally Chiang Kai Shek decided to leave the mainland and set up moved the Republic of China to island of Taipei in 1949...the same year Chairman Mao proclaimed Peoples Republic Of China...

there are few factors why KMT is defeated...

1) The army lack discipline
2) Lot of unit (sometimes brigade size) change sides..
3) Popular support from the masses (usage of good propaganda and people oriented activities for un-active/static unit help with harvesting or natural disaster)
4) Most of the army best unit/formation is not up to strenght because of prolong war with the japs...(the KMT fought head on with japs..while the PLA fought like an ol' sun tzu teaching...hit the enemy when he when he awake)
5) KMT is Kurupt and only supported by poletariet..

hope this answer ya question....

*p.s=chin peng tried to do the same thing in bolehland but didnt work...why? thats different story)
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Saga Continue said:
Acoustic...what ya friend said is true...

but if u dont know...the strife between Kuomintang (KMT; Nasionalist) and the Communist or better known as PLA (People Liberation Army) nowdays started way before WW2....Kuomintang forces almost whoop Communist arse and that is when Chairman Mao decided to do the long march from Jiangxi region to the Shaanxi region which is about 6000km in the year 1934...

then suddenly...BANZAI!!!....KMT realized they cannot fight the japs alone so they made a fragile alliance between each other and fought the japs (tho' in between that time..they still fought each other..)..

after the war...they have a few quite time together..toast a drink and congratulate each other in their achievement to eject the disspised japs from China...but after a while all hell brake loosed...

during the civil a start PLA only control 30% of China land mass compared to 70% of KMT...but their agent and propaganda already infiltrated most of the rural area surrounding the city and gaining public support especially from the peasent/labour class...which so much corruption on behalve of the KMT government the outcome is inevitable...Beijing is captured without a fight...most of the soldier dessert or change side....and finally Chiang Kai Shek decided to leave the mainland and set up moved the Republic of China to island of Taipei in 1949...the same year Chairman Mao proclaimed Peoples Republic Of China...

there are few factors why KMT is defeated...

1) The army lack discipline
2) Lot of unit (sometimes brigade size) change sides..
3) Popular support from the masses (usage of good propaganda and people oriented activities for un-active/static unit help with harvesting or natural disaster)
4) Most of the army best unit/formation is not up to strenght because of prolong war with the japs...(the KMT fought head on with japs..while the PLA fought like an ol' sun tzu teaching...hit the enemy when he when he awake)
5) KMT is Kurupt and only supported by poletariet..

hope this answer ya question....

*p.s=chin peng tried to do the same thing in bolehland but didnt work...why? thats different story)


something to add in here. Actually Jiang Jie shi intend to wipe out PLA even Japanese is invading china. Thats why japanese conquered so much land in china at the begining of WWII as KMT does not care to spend time to resist the invasion. This has resulted the lost of Shanghai and the mass murder in Nan Jing as the KMT did not put in resources to defend the cities.

then there is one general name Zhang Xue Liang whose father was a general of north-east provinces but murdered by Japanese. Zhang kidnapped Jiang Jie shi in Xi An and threaten to kill Jiang if He refuse to concentrate to defend china against japanese and cooperate with PLA. So Jiang's wife Song go to negotiate with Zhang and Jiang agreed to work with PLA to wipe out Japanese.

However, PLA was almost eliminated by KMT that time and take the chance to regroup while KMT concentrating on fighting Japanese. In the 2000 plus battle with the Japanese, PLA onli participate in few hundreds of it. So, By the end of WW II KMT has lost about 1million plus of soldiers but PLA onli lost 1/10 of KMT. So Mao said Japanese actually indirectly helped PLA to win KMT.

Second reason is the corruption of KMT made the ppl fustrated especially the peasant which are 90% of the population. The peasants then support and join PLA. Also, Mao Tze Dong is a very brilliant military man his army are very motivated by his propaganda and fight with courage and pride. His Guerilla warefare has proof successful in eliminating the KMT. One of his successful case was he surround the cities off the Chang Jiang river but he didnt attack it, so the supply of the KMT in the cities was cut off and have to surrender.

Also he successful send a infiltrator in KMT and won the trust of Jiang. this infiltrator was appointed as an important general by Jiang and later later turn against Jiang before Nan Jing lost and KMT have to retreat to Taiwan.

can u blieve that, KMT had multi billion international support especially from american where they gave KMT all the exersive military hardware and fought with PLA which virtually no air force to create air support in an conventional attack still can loosed....haaiih...

but nevermind...China now is great and one fine day it will regain TAIWAN either forcefully or peacefully...
The critical problem is not taiwan..its Japan...according to retired JSDF soldier...Japan is training its army for kind of invasion not only self defense.

Japan has several so called transporter ships in navy which is can convert in air craft carrier in 1 week. also the Congo class is arm with more than defense weapons...

The young Japs are brain washed now and start to look down on China. My friend working in Japan started to feel the tense...there were restaurant and public bath house that prohibited chinese to enter. Also the japs are calling chinese "sinese" which is kind of humuliating term.....but chinese and korean call back japs "wo kou" which mean babarian pirate in return.....

but expert predict if Japan were to declare war against china......there will be no Japan in the future history.......
Duke Red said:
Red Army Generals read "Sun Tzu's Art of War"?

which modern day genderal dont? hehehe

in kinokuniya they even got "Stun Tzu's art of business.." ahahhaa...
never read it tho...

but i read the original one...i found u always can relate to modern warfare...

JSDF do have massive power projection capabilities compared to its name...but nowdays wasnt the theory is "my defence is my offence" ..

the transport ship can be converted to an LAC with capabilities to house 10-15 VSTOL aircraft in which Jap navy had i dont think is wise to do that...

by the way...Jap is american forward if any possible second Korean War or Taiwan Straits Conflict...

whatever it is...far east girls are hot...hahahaha
wah all talk about war.. wanna play command n conquer with me or not?
wah bugger play command and conquer never call me :(

aiyah, I don't have command and conquer here lah, didn't buy, didn't install :(

Why so tiu one :( meh he he heh ehhe all alone in China :( meh heh he he he
alo, go mix with the reds la. last time when i was in china (beijing) the hotel near hard rock also have modern chinese girls lehhh.

the land is soooo big country girl also can mah. hahahha
sorry to kacau this thread but CHINA IS KING and this country is going to take over japan and taiwan and slowly move to southeast asia.......
so...i better start to learn mandarin...kekekeee...

command and conquer is not a good real time strategy game....

try Total War series...cun bai....
Cool man. Then I can join the communist, hold a weapon and start supplying pigs dead pigs to chicken rice and bak kut teh stall owners. hehehehe
satria_95 said:
Cool man. Then I can join the communist, hold a weapon and start supplying pigs dead pigs to chicken rice and bak kut teh stall owners. hehehehe
wei i just playplay only nothing true about my theory la bro......
add something

jeffblazed said:
sorry to kacau this thread but CHINA IS KING and this country is going to take over japan and taiwan and slowly move to southeast asia.......

China no interest in other nations, they headache how to take care of their own, they won't bother to go anywhere.

Supply are getting less and less, they are thinking seriously to control population growth.

If there is a war between china and japan, assuming no weapon of mass destruction is used..... china will win for sure, but they will not destroy japan completely, they will not dessimate it or anything like that.

Chinese people are humble and morale, unlike others. Remember Cambodia? or was it Korea. China supply food and weapons to fight americans propaganda, but they use the rice as sand bags to shield bullets and fight against the chinese.

China retaliated and captured their captiol in 1 day. China left after that without killing any officials or people.

I think it happen around 70s and due to this the world knows and no one dare to touch china ever again.

Imagine, organise, retaliate, capture / conquered, scold the enemy officials like parents scold children, kick some butt like parents canning children and leave, all in 24 hours.
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