Proton gonna ask for more money from your pocket


9,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 2, 2004
near 7-11
Proton ask for RM50Mil from gov to make themselves stay "competitive"...

source:Move to improve Proton’s competitiveness

Move to improve Proton’s competitiveness
PROTON Bhd is expected to submit recommendations to consolidate and rationalise its operations by the end of the month, Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said.

The whole exercise, expected to be completed within four years, is intended to improve Proton’s efficiency and competitiveness in the global automotive sector, he said.

Ahmad Husni said that among the plans being carried out was the introduction of the Automotive Development Fund in the Ninth Malaysia Plan to help the local automotive industry move forward.

A total of RM50mil from the fund's RM500mil will be used by Proton to consolidate Proton Edar and Edaran Otomobil Nasional from the present 365 dealers to 250 dealers.
“The number of vendors will also be reduced under a modular system to create a cost-effective and efficient operation.

“This will help to produce better quality Proton cars,” he said in winding up the debate on the Supplementary Supply Bill.

On Proton dealers, Ahmad Husni said RM10mil was allocated to consolidate their operations, including closing down some of their operations and compensating them.

He also said that no funding would be provided for second-hand car dealers.
It was reported that the dealers had complained of a slump in sales in recent months and had urged the Government step in to help revive the industry.
I never notice there is such fund available, how much Proton "utilise" in the past?

and for those who didn't buy Proton car, sorry, you are still feeding them indirectly.

PS: To help local automotive industry or to help PROTON alone? I dun think Perodua and Naza need help (btw, Naza has been de-classified as local automotive company). That RM500Mil is gonna suck dry by PROTON alone i guess.
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Sad to hear this, $$$ gone. Where did the $$$ gone? Proton fell long time ago if "we" Malaysians didn't support them. We have to because of out country forced us to. Sien~
Spoon feed them again and again = will be a 'spoilt' 'kid' that doesn't how to compete and stand on its own.
dem... why need ask 500mil? they dun have thier own money? no profit? if they ask.. then how can they pay back....?? if they want to pay back.. they need to produce lower cost save money and pay back....

this is a useless move.....
This is not just useles move , it is more than merely useless is stoopig move!!!!!
you have no idea how much money goes under-table in government funded projects.

no idea.
You guys have no idea how hateful they are;

Proton is trying to cut down it’s dealership network by offering a voluntary separation scheme (VSS) to it’s dealers, offering a one time pay-off fee to compensate for them having to close down their dealerships. Proton offered RM150,000 to each dealer, money that it had obtained from the government - that’s RM10 million there.

However, out of the 102 dealers that were offered this VSS scheme, only 36 accepted the offer. Many dealers snubbed the offer, saying it was too low. Most have written formally to Proton, saying they want more - amounts of up to RM500,000 were requested. The dealers say they invested up a minimum of RM200,000 to setup their operations.

Proton’s latest proposal is to increase the compensation to RM300,000 - double the earlier RM150,000 amount. To do this, it is requesting another RM16 million from the government. The 36 dealers who accepted the offer earlier would also be entitled to this higher amount.

Seriously now, RM26 million for Proton dealers?!?!

Source: Proton dealers snub RM150,000 VSS offer

These guys are running businesses and yet they only want the good times but not the bad times. When things go bad they want other people to get them out. But did they share their profits with other people during the good times? What kind of business is that?

This is daylight robbery. Practically walking in, open your wallet and empty it of money.
WTF? Why do they need to compensate the dealers? When a business fails, it fails... from there u have to learn the mistakes. No such thing as getting compensation or guaranteed profits from a business.

Even franchise businesses do fail but that doesn't mean u can recover some money.

I think the agreements are just similar as highway/expressway operators - yearly guaranteed profits!

F*** the bunch of useless politicians who don't know how to do business let alone be competitive in it.

IMO, Proton will be a burden to the G-man and the rakyat. Always kept sapping money here n there. In the real world, one would just close it down to stop the bleeding of funds for other useful developments. National interest MY ASS!
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It has come to a point where I really hope Proton and everything attached to it, that are sucking the life blood of the people, just fucking die already.

Stop supporting Proton, period. Let them die.
WTF is that news about? Shall they give us back their profit when PROTON is in good time? Guarantee "Untung" (Profitable) business?? WTF WTF WTF.

For those who are still gonna buy Proton new car, I feel ashame on you.
Shut the whole damn PROTON down.
yeah...shut proton down...enough already for giving us a super low quality stock wanna take our money and need our help after screw us up....shame on the national car....LET'S BANNED PROTON!!!
FaaAArrRRRrrKKkkkiiiNNNnngggGGG StoooOppIIIgGGG move!!!

It is like ,I make profit - I keep the profit and when I am loosing out in business the country must help bare the cost!

Gua caya sama lu orang semua! hahahahaahahahahaha........undi lagi laa umno/bn, padan muka weeii!
hmmm...basically even if we dont buy Potong car, but the amount of Potong cars on the road is sufficient to support them just by selling some lousy spare parts which fails right after you install them...

How not to buy Potong???Unless you guys have like lotsa money...which car in M'sia is being sold at rm26,999!!???And it is still a junk...

People have no choice...they got to buy, not many people can afford Perodua, let alone Toyota or Honda?

The government planned all these shit people...we got no where to run...Vios in Thailand only cost approx rm30k ++ with turbo kit...all we get here is Proton Gaban(proton saga sport edition) or SLK(small little kancil)...

Even the initial plan of having our own car industry is so that they can suck up money from all the bloody projects...I am still stuck with my Wira bought at Rm40k++ now they selling 30k++??

So it seems we are all cheated all these while...but we got no choice...feel damn ashamed of my country...malaysia boleh konon...The cost is damn bloody low and yet...

Why the exported models thay can do properly?actually I have good reviews from my UK friends who bought Proton...they say it is an economical car and quality stuffs...Gti is only sold at 5000 pound?? we buy here at rm70k++

The people are no longer angry...just ashamed and tired of Proton...thats all...

Our Pak lah dont even wanna accept when people say our cars are junk, insisted that our cars are in high quality...

Why the death rate in m'sia is high particularly for age between 21-28 yrs old?they say it is because youngsters are reckless in driving..I beg to differ and feel it is because Proton cars don;t come with airbags...we pay like 40k and we dont no safety specs...just a bloody tin kosong...

Just my two cents...dont shoot me..

Just that I am very tired of all these...

Jangan timbang timbang, fikir bulat bulat or what ever else except timbang...
hahaz...Viva also 30k++ like kelisa leh...sad to say...VIVA, SLK all if bang...haiyah...sure increase the death rate in M'sia...but at least Perodua cars have ABS and Airbag!
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