Programmers Wanted


Senior Member
Jul 6, 2005
Hi, I'm looking for a PHP programmer (based in Malaysia, KL) to join me (full-time, part-time or freelance) and my team of young Malaysian entrepreneurs in developing and launching a community website. Our plan is currently in its 'seed-stage', but with a concerted and on-going development effort, we are confident that an initial Beta version of the application can be launched by January 2006.

If you have experience in:

- PHP programming for social-networking sites (such as Friendster)
- PHP programming for online video-streaming applications
- Web development

Then please feel free to contact me either via private message (in the forum), this thread, or by e-mailing me at [email protected]

Thank you.
i also looking ler .. posted everything .. no reply.
i wonder where are all the php programmers
i know programming but not PHP... do u need me ke?... I'm a vb programmer...
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bazet : Thanks for the info. I will contact be contacting you shortly. Btw, you said that you send me an e-mail. I don' think I got it. Could you resend it?...thanks!
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