Post the pimp cars--Pimp My Ride Malaysia

walan eh,the rear bumper really extremely ugly, the front fender n the rims still ok yet

Ohh, this car. See it quite often when i coming back from work. Think it's a work in progress. The b/kit doesn't look customised but i think it's special order in. Believ it's not complete yet, that's why the paint job has not been carried out.

His rims already changed to 20" titanium rims. Brake system using the new monoblock Endless. :adore:

His twin exhaust is full titanium ...

The owner looks young & most likely way too rich.

frankly, if i had that amount of $$$, wud have gone with the Veilside version 3 or Top secret wide bodykits. But then again, with the amount spent, cud have put a d/payment for the R35 .... :biggrin:
hahahaha....maybe the 350z driver has no saying about his mod. His sponsor-father dictates what to buy...or buy nothing. Die-die have to listen lor......since boy-boy don't have income yet :biggrin::biggrin:
:adore: Robots in disguise....

not jazz...but vazz...dont c any autobots logo...maybe decepticons.......hahahaha
i got 1 more pic more WRC stye.. but my phone just got stolen.. haizz.. cant post... :mad:
btw i duno is this a repost.. well just wan to share this satria... ^^


btw ignore my ride there.. is not suppose to be here in this section

wah!! The orange satria neo go 2 big collector-box in the front.....DBKL will be happy with the car as it will scoop and collect rubbish on the road.

this neo is nice weii....i saw it pass me by b4, no time snap pic...

btw, the front bumper is a murcie-wannabe
i personally feel this neo is nice,just the front bumper's could look nicer if higher the hole smaller.

btw,alan ur car is nicely pimped wei~
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