plain water VS water/meth VS pure meth injection

meth = air intake cooling
water = supress knock (more on combustion chamber cooling)
more meth volume = air intake cooling & octane booster(supress knock)
water/meth = some intake cooling & knock supress (need to calculate water/meth ratio & mixture volume to get must best result)

using this can tune for 12.5:1 afr on boost?? (no need to inject more fuel for cooling coz water take over)

water can slow down flame travel = need to advance ign timing??

if dun want to use intercooler for e85 fuel engine.... just use meth injection to cool the air intake???

is it correct???
meth = air intake cooling
water = supress knock (more on combustion chamber cooling)
more meth volume = air intake cooling & octane booster(supress knock)
water/meth = some intake cooling & knock supress (need to calculate water/meth ratio & mixture volume to get must best result)

using this can tune for 12.5:1 afr on boost?? (no need to inject more fuel for cooling coz water take over)

water can slow down flame travel = need to advance ign timing??

if dun want to use intercooler for e85 fuel engine.... just use meth injection to cool the air intake???

is it correct???

problem is when we use pure meth, its very very corrosive and its not compatible with all pumps

plain water will give cooling effects, cooling effect should supress knock too right ?

there are ppl who ran without intercooler i will look for his thread n paste it here

so far experience with Meth injection, one main issue that most ppl face if you are seriously relying on the meth injection , that is blowing up your engine during pump failure

that is one of the main issue also claimed by Lucas English from English Racing

Stage 1 : Just the pump and boost switch or trigger to switch on pump (what beginners have)
Stage 2 : Variable control , boost accoring to boost levels , much much efficient way to spray it out (what intermediate n normal users have)
Stage 3 : Failsafe (this is what makes playing with meth injection expensive) , someone who is planning to run them seriously has to have them, but look at the price, pengsan :) , some have meters to show the pump flow and some have failsafe selenoids n many ways to jump to other pumps on fail.

What will happen if the ignition is up , the AFR is leaner , the pump failed :) , i would say good bye engine hehehe, thts the biggest challenge, i cant afford lol
emmm.... so just run injection with 11.5afr & normal ign timing ... loss power?? compare to no injection ... but forsure it more safe..

or no need to inject at lower boost coz knock still not a big prob there... just inject when knock start to give us prob.. ??

from yr opinion, plain water or 50/50 mixture ?? which can give more power output...
emmm.... so just run injection with 11.5afr & normal ign timing ... loss power?? compare to no injection ... but forsure it more safe..

or no need to inject at lower boost coz knock still not a big prob there... just inject when knock start to give us prob.. ??

from yr opinion, plain water or 50/50 mixture ?? which can give more power output...

yes, of cos you would loose power
I would surely start feeding earlier so it could have better progressive instead of a suddent big amount.

My opinion , 50/50 is the way to go as what Snow, Devils and AEM recommends.
If you tune for water injection. You will always need a fail-safe devise when using water injection. A flow indicator is a must. Optional will be a water level warning switch.

My knock sensor will blink non stop if there is no or low flow!! :)

Go 50/50 for optimum.
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