Perdana V6 Community Forum *

Lan can double confirm if he is log-in. I did at his workshop.
bro, better check your spark plugs and cable first...same problem with me before...change plugs & cable, everything back to normal also...had the same problem before. now using same plug cables as u.. :biggrin:
car performance ok biasala......if im running with 1.5bar, i think engine pecah edi...
now only 0.8 bar

how bout u bro? hows your car performance? anything new?
danz, my car small potato only...kancil L2 oso can tapau me...haha

btw, my fren is looking for an engine swap + money to topup...the spec roughly like this

evo 3 on a perdana chassis
2.4 stroker kit
turbo GT35 (i'm not sure, he just told me)
gearbox with cusco lsd 1.5
and few more i don't wanna list in here :)

he spend almost 16k on the wanna letgo at RM13k neg without trade-in..
if wanna trade-in, then have to see your engine 1st...preferably V6 and above...RVR oso can kot...

reason of selling, he wanna letgo the car and start another project

if interested, can pm me....cheerss
u sure your fren's car ke? not your car meh...manatau u already change to evo3 haha....
anyways your car small potato 4 yrs ago i believe im sure it had became a monster....

i'll pass bro. not enuf $$$ to change to evo......will just maintain as v6tt hehe.
my potato shrinking year after can become monster like dat

at 1st, i also wanna take this offer but i think i'll stick with my tt...takut if later use evo 3 engine but still kena tapau dengan tt...bikin malu je nanti...hahahaha

danz, better use tt like us hehh...if kena tapau with evo oso still have some face left :p
trojan : thats y...but if trade in v6tt how much must top up....dun play2, now alot of v6tt can tapau evo u know.......:)
not sure la bro how much to topup...owner have to look at the engine first then u guys negotiate lah...

your v6tt i know ady tapau a lot of evo...mine haven't yet....haha
sure must top up more than rm6-7k.......
mine can tapau wira EVO bodypart with 1.3 engine onli........
just now, got a white perdana evo with racing cam stopped next to me at traffic light.
fortunately he didnt ajak main, if not, sia2 je makan asap.. aku la yg makan..
if white perdana tt with racing parts i know la aka trojan haha....
that 1 we all also mkn asap.

neuro, y u neva enjut je....:)
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