Penang trip/tt

Alvin & Alan, all the best to you guys yaa. Whoop some asses there for Toyota camp, I know guys can do it. Team MCSB lives!
alvin wat categories do u enter..if u enter 1.6 open or 1.6 compete wif sc..ha ha..u will meet my frend or pomen la..plet num KT 456..

Ah yau will in to 3 categories may be....
last week at Bt. kawan there have a bit problem, now all setting very good already..
cos we test their car yesterday.. hehehe

swap aka SWAP said:
alvin wat categories do u enter..if u enter 1.6 open or 1.6 compete wif sc..ha ha..u will meet my frend or pomen la..plet num KT 456..
u didn`t go for suppot him ka..he told me he`s eng got abot his accord power or not..i`m woking la keny..if not..
last week i got go there and also we take video camera to record down...............

ah yau car so very fst la..............

like airopean....................hehehee
so r u going to Bt. kawan tomorrow..............

swap aka SWAP said:
u didn`t go for suppot him ka..he told me he`s eng got abot his accord power or not..i`m woking la keny..if not..
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