Nokia N95-the super phone...

well nokia always delay release...may end of next yr also never see on market..just like the N91 last time..
They should start making phones with built in spring out knifes or at least, 100,000,000 volt tasers. Good for protection. And owners of these phones have to submit a photocopy of their IC and birth certs to Nokia as well as local police, just in case they misuse it. heh heh
satria_95 said:
They should start making phones with built in spring out knifes or at least, 100,000,000 volt tasers.

China has been selling this kind of phone in black market. nokia 3310 alike phone with voltage charges on the top that can stunt ppl like nobody's business.

but its illegal......
N95 is quite fun to play with...internal 160MB
I saw this phone in HK phone shops yesterday. Its not as bulky as I thought but it still about the size of a O2 mini.

The camera is 5mega pixel and with auto focus....the price is HKD$6200 which is about rm$3100....

The out look is so so only...perhaps i will ops dopod D810 with about rm$500 cheaper...
i think n95 camera is not bad..havent try it yet..the price here in hk has fallen nearly hk$500 since the stock come.

may get one when it falled to hk$5000....wait for 2 more weeks see how
but what i heard is k810i is better than n95 even k810i have 3.2 megapixels and supported by cybershot..
yep.. SE K810i almost similar 2 SE K800i..
SE K800i won the best phone award..
the pics taken is clear..
many of my frens hv it..
dats y i dun want K800i..
i wanted 2 be different so i hv 2 wait..
civic, u can browse 2 SE wensite for full details on K810i..
i hv fallen in luv with it..
i dunno much abt N95..
but i read it had route map features..
well, actually sony only have few cheapset for the camera, the k800 series one should be same as k810...usually is they use same board and chipset but change the casing then make it new models

nokia one is whole new board, new os and new camera have to see how the first batch user feedback
yah.. true..
K810i is slimmer & has added 2 new features nia..
screen slightly bigger abit..
the rest features da same..
but then at least its a newer version of the previous lo..

N95 selling at RM3199..
its an all-in-one multimedia computer..
it has 5 megapixel camera..
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