Newbie mod car need help!!

HAPPY HARI RAYA to all!!!:biggrin:

Still no car. Mech say got things havnt clear. say he will rush during Raya and give me car on Friday afternoon. :frown:

Sigh...i feel so sad. I just want my car to come back faster. Come back already then i clean up the whole project. :turtle:
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these are the things that i have paid for. Do you guys think it is too expensive??

HC (i buy myself)
Install RM1500
Jasma Extractor RM1000
Rebalance engine RM1000
Longshaft modification RM1800 ( what is this?? till now i still dun understand)
New Bearing RM 400
G/box Modification RM600
Mounting RM450
ECU Spoil i buy replacement (RM 650)

Total RM $7400.
Wow...u have to pay so much just to transplant a 4age into ur ae86?my god..good luck! Ask sifoo b4 u paY! go inside toyota forum!
slow_tortise said:
these are the things that i have paid for. Do you guys think it is too expensive??

HC (i buy myself)
Install RM1500
Jasma Extractor RM1000
Rebalance engine RM1000
Longshaft modification RM1800 ( what is this?? till now i still dun understand)
New Bearing RM 400
G/box Modification RM600
Mounting RM450
ECU Spoil i buy replacement (RM 650)

Total RM $7400.

Fark man you have been conned big time !! better you announce his workshop name here, so that ppl know. Everything that workshop did was overpriced !!!
Really ah??? i thought is normal pricing!!!

Can you guys point out which ones are the expensive and what should the price be like and where can get it done at?

I must be really stupid :frown: i hope it is a good job done.

I stay quite far from KL.

Now mech grandma pass away and i offer to go up and collect myself. but my family say scared later if not a good job, car break down halfway.

Anyone know of lorry that can fetch my car home? Loading the car up the lorry and unloading the lorry seem to be a problem.
oh :( i shall go in and post now.

Can you roughly tell me which items are too expensive and how much they should be?
y tht fellow's family got so many probs 1?? i think if u really wanna take ur car by urself.. make sure u bring ur fren"S" along.. more ppl better.. n if possible drive 1 or 2 cars in case got any prob...
n the price.. aih~~ u juz name his workshop la.. if i pay this price i get the car in 3 days then ok la.. 3 months edi la.. still cannot done..
OMFG ~!!!

If i were you , i would pay some of my " friends " and ask him why he charge you fucking 7K just to transplant the engine . This is at least 3 X the normal rate i think .

Post out his workshop so that every1 would beware of such con-man , in fact ...just smash the con-man's work shop . " Buddha also got fire ( translate into cantonese )" :mad:
i got one suggestion...i think ur car sure got a lot of problem until now...i suggest u take back ur car...and everything that is important to ur car...dun leave a bit there...go tow ur car...tell the dun wan to wait...want to gau tim fast fast...and got a friend to gau tim for you...damned...u paid so much...but still not yet gau tim...i got a friend foreman...he transplant 1jz to a bmw also no need take so long...1.5month gautim cantik cantik somemore...better dont wait...or u will waste your money...since u already paid full...if u take ur car he will have nothing to say...dont just because scared the person will be mad of u then only u keep silent...if he treat you as a friend then what he has promised he must not break it...just my opinion...sorry to say such insulting words...
slow_tortise said:
these are the things that i have paid for. Do you guys think it is too expensive??

HC (i buy myself)
Install RM1500
Jasma Extractor RM1000
Rebalance engine RM1000
Longshaft modification RM1800 ( what is this?? till now i still dun understand)
New Bearing RM 400
G/box Modification RM600
Mounting RM450
ECU Spoil i buy replacement (RM 650)

Total RM $7400.

hi bro, u kena con liao..

where u got blacktop 20v h/c..gombak?? if ECu spoil can claim back from halfcut shop 1 to 1... but if yr mech spoil yr ecu than another story lor.
Jasma Extractor RM1000?? brand?? RM1000 can custom made new one or two or ...
Longshaft modification RM1800?? if modification only no need RM1800 ....too expensive....long shaft is the long shaft connect engine to back wheel look like lorry. but RM1800 can rebuild new already.

slow_tortise, my suggestion..JUST take back ur car and yr old stuffs. (halfcut gearbox, old enjin with wiring, diskbreak etc) with few of yr friends or zth member. and don't pay him any more $ already.
i notice that u said the workshop located at Klang...Far far far form yr home. hope yr 86 BT done! PM me if u need help...


[email protected]
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Hello GTR!!! Aiya, see lah, tt time if your halfcut never send wrongly, i would have left my car with you already.. hee hee.

Yes!!!! I finally towed my car out today. Told him my friends father coming to take the car at lunch time and mechanic say ok.

We went at 2 pm, his workshop close. We call him to chase, he came at 4pm to open shop. Open already, my car still cannot move. I immediately call tow truck and tow away.

The mechanic still dare to open mouth ask for $800.
did u pay him?? ask him to huak off lor.. ask money some more..
c! he didnt even open his stupid shop.. how ur car gonna b done?
luckily u towed ur car outta there.. so where did u send it to??
Of course i never!!! He say why I never pay. Car only small problem. He do the car, then other mech sure cannot do.

His worker tell me he actually only work for other foreman for 1 yr. then he come out open workshop.

Worker say he work 4 days get paid only 2 days. Exhaust shop behind that do my extractor say, he still owe him $1k.

Another ZTH bro satria there doing transplant also. But his car totally done by a new worker that he employed. Much better than mine. his car can start already. :(
WALAO!!! tht place damn keng man.. can start car consider success edi~~ omg..
i think now u tow to a xperienced mech mayb 1~2 weeks can kao tim plus modify a bit la.. make sure u took all the parts u bought..
no i think i didnt take all. Cos i bring my father and my uncle from KL go. And i never tell him i am coming. He thought only one small kid(my friend) coming to take the car.

In the end he see so many pple, he come open shop for his worker, then he leave already. And he never answer my call anymore. Even when i want to tell him i towing away, he also no pick up.

Only after i leave already. 3 hours later, he sms me say "Hey dude, where is my money?"

I almost fainted. He still dare to open mouth for money.
wher u did ur convertion ?
hey dude samore 3 months leh...ask him XXXX off la
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