New Proton Inspira now available for booking!

my pov, with the amount u willing to pay, inspira is the only car in segment c here in our market. forte for me is more in segment b.

psychological speaking, ones will alway protect their selection which they've made. nobody will ever like any critic goes to something they've choose or owned.

ask urself, given ori lancer n inspira the same price, which u'll take.
sad to be say, the circumstances here in our land, i might still buy proton, not becos proud, like or support, just no option left for me.

if there is million of dogs tend to give the tree a kick a day, one day the tree will still collapse.
peace :)

nowaday ppl posting with "pov"....great,

my pov, if million of dog kicking the tree, then the tree will grow stronger, its root grew bigger, deeper into the soil and the kicking stimulate the growth...then end of the day, the tree grew bigger and stronger. so it is a good thing for million of dogs to kick, bite also a good choice.

lancer & inspira, of course i buy lancer, but this wont happen in this country, so being an average income earner, this opportunity of buying a mitsu with mivec engine at the price of 80k, why not? i accept the fact we are living in here....stay with it or else, migrate elsewhere or buy a 1.5 japanese make car (locally assembled) entry level quality at the price of 80k will do. at least, can show ppl its japs car...not msian car.

comparing forte, avante, altis, civic, lancer gt, inspira.....of course ppl will go for altis and civic. but ask yourself the price....rm30k or rm40k maybe not big amount to some of you but to most of us, it can be use for children education, for downpayment of house, renovation, pay debts it is logic for some to choose inspira i always said, choices are depends on individual, so nobody tend to protect the choices they made....its situational decision...

anyway debate wont end until many many years to be with it, everyone has freedom to say what they or not buy....its yr choice. wanna keep condemning or criticize also its your choice......cheers, peace & out.!


1.8MT - RM78999
1.8CVT - RM84999
2.0CVT - RM91999

the salesman just called me to another rm2000.....yohooooooooo!:driver:
gosh, a moderator here asking whoever don like the rues, migrate else where, wat a disgrace, soon u might just post whoever don like inspira don visit
hard to believe...

situational decision, yes, i might still buying proton car saving money for mortgage, investment or elsewhere, but i know how good the car is, still uncomparable with competitor's product.
have u seen anyone still debating or arguing u r getting a piece a junk? no, but u r just overly sensitive n over react.

good luck for those who book the first phase, apparently compliment given to have better handling n NVH. u just hope it could last longer from any proton ex product.
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gosh, a moderator here asking whoever don like the rues, migrate else where, wat a disgrace, soon u might just post whoever don like inspira don visit
hard to believe...

situational decision, yes, i might still buying proton car saving money for mortgage, investment or elsewhere, but i know how good the car is, still uncomparable with competitor's product.
have u seen anyone still debating or arguing u r getting a piece a junk? no, but u r just overly sensitive n over react.

good luck for those who book the first phase, apparently compliment given to have better handling n NVH. u just hope it could last longer from any proton ex product.

Hes only posting migrate somewhere else is only because theres a bout infinite comments about how they hate malaysian products, hating the fact theres so much tax on imports. He not being overly sensitive lo :driver:
i believe inspira is even better than the original lancer. can't wait for a test drive! :proud:
Smart people get it (proton get the money) stupid people buy it (end user) when problems happen with that so called inspira the standard word stays "Memang Ini Macam"
Better spend more to get the geniune rather than removing and patching
Smart people get it (proton get the money) stupid people buy it (end user) when problems happen with that so called inspira the standard word stays "Memang Ini Macam"
Better spend more to get the geniune rather than removing and patching

don't simply called people who buy inspira 'stupid' la bro..are u damn good enough? its their money.not ur money.
90k for 2.0 mivec and yet still strugling for R&D and many about 114k civic or get a secondhand civic for 90k much better .......or maybe ori lancer prices will go down hopefully (so mean if they do that hahah)
never argue with the fools..
unless you are Proof Of Rich Spoiled Children Having Everything. then u might go for foreign cars , nobody stop you or critics ur cars. or u wanna spend on a old piece junk .. its ur money, ur business..
Basher out there.. Dont simply critic if you know nothing about it..
If everyone can afford a better car, ofcoz everyone would go for it..
im driving my dad's e46 now, but im getting 2.0 inspira soon and change the fugly rim .. cheers ;)
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