mY AE111-tHE tRaNsportEr


Known Member
Senior Member
Sep 20, 2006
hyE dUdE N aLL tHe oTai 2..
jUsT waNNa sharE mY car P!c.
Plzz giVe a ComENt..
sEE ya.. tHaNks:wavey:


  • wgh8020.jpg
    168.6 KB · Views: 190
nice nice photoshop,,, can help me do on my car or not?..
hye bro, check out my albums. lot of pic of my car there..
pls coment, tank u bro..:biggrin:
very nice collection of colour!nicely pimped SEG!!!

KHWONG asking help for photoshop his ride.
tank u.. tank u..
all of my taiko n bro..
i'm just a beginner in this field..
need alot of ur comments n suggestion..
tanks again..:adore::adore::adore::adore::wavey:
hyE dUdE N aLL tHe oTai 2..
jUsT waNNa sharE mY car P!c.
Plzz giVe a ComENt..
sEE ya.. tHaNks:wavey:

wanna nice car:wavey: how du u do to change uer colour car in dis forum? du u photoshop or wat? pls pm me tq! i need to learn tq!
hello otai2 n brader toyota..
tanks 4 ur comment...

yup, i'm using 4pot front n 2 port rear.. still can fit but must using offset++ rim lar..
wat under d hood?
heheehe.. standat BT(A) jer.. but now looking 4 3SGE GT4 engine..
so, who want 2 buy my BT? hehehe

i'm kuantan dkat Bkt.Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:16:biggrin:

THANKS 4 UR COMMENT BRO..:adore::adore::adore:
want 2 get various colour 4 ur car?
heheh i'm using adobe photoshop..
just wanna test either that colour match or not wit my car..:hmmmm::hmmmm:
so, vote dude..
which 0ne more garang.. hahahah..
left hand side 1st from bottom & right hand side 2nd from top
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