MSC Status Company


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Apr 9, 2004
Yeah, pretty sure some of you are working in MSC status company, what is the diffrence between the MSC and Non MSC status company?

Do you find MSC status company suck? give suggest some name stand for MSC

I start first ... Memang Suck Company ...
I think just the name only, but is very famous in Malaysia lare, especially I.T industry.

Other big companies also without MSC status.

Not long ago, they organize this Job Hunting Fair at Cyberjaya.

But if I choose to work for a company, i don't care whether it is MSC or non MSC status. All I care about is the salary and their facilities most importantly. Akeakekaakeake :dancing2:
msc is for ICT related company mostly. those who get it will have a 10yrs tax exemption, plus grant, which is already empty by now.

y msc sucks?
What is MSC?
What is ICT?
tax exemption? how come?

how to do it...? mind to share?
Dun knw la, i heard is not so difficult to apply one, somemore now the company not necessary located in cyerjaya ..
for more info...goto


msc = multimedia super corridor
ict = information and communications technology

i do know some msc company are doing really well but some are not. but why sucks? care to share?


easy to apply if you have a product that is genuine owned by you, and your company only carry the product, at least thts wht i heard. ur office must be relocated to one of the msc "hotspot". initial spot were TPM, cyberjaya and KLCC. but only KLCC still have places, but the rent is sky high. now the gov expand the hotspot to penang and kl sentral.
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act7656 dun even know the different between MCS and non-MSC company and he start asking for suck MSC status company, isn't it funny?
I dont think MSC companies suck .. Few foreign companies have taken the chance and set up their office in Malaysia. Come down to cyberjaya, tough not many got a few .. Shell,Motorola,HSBC,BMW .. bla bla bla .. since they are basicly run by foreign companies .. they set very good working enviroments compared to normal "Malaysian" office enviroment.
My former co was a MSC status co... nothing special, just name only. Office also not in MSC status area. While salary payment is on time... the workload and lousy increment made it very unattractive to work.
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seriously, i'm not saying our MSC is suck, but try to type "msc status + suck" in google, u'll find someone is shooting on this, will want to know whether over here have the same feeling as them, if not then someone should sound out.
I'm working in one right now - for the past 6 years.

Work is nothing to shout about, and can't generalize either.
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