Meet-Up: November 2006

Sandra, staying at home very boring ka?.........kekekekeke.........
Can, can!
For this month TT gathering, I suggest we have it on:
Date: 18 November 2006 Saturday.
Time: 10:00pm.
Venue: Members suggestion?

Best time for gathering would be at night.
In the afternoon very hot.
All complain and sweat here and there.
HM..daniel..stay home not boring..but also cos long time didnt hang out together..miss the fun la..

Eh...u guys like to hv TT at night huh? is good but for gal like me and sharon sure very dangerous..maybe around 8 pm plus..gather for late i prefer around PJ..dun wan to go KL..very jam and dangerous...what u all think?

Eh..Christmas week u guys any plan? i might have a small BBQ on 23rd of Dec..few close friends of mine and family members.maybe u guys can plan to have BBQ gathering at my hse in the same time admire my own made christmas tree...(blushing) hehe...just my suggestion ya..
The time should be around what I'd mentioned because that's the time when some of the members finishes their jobs.
Some of the members can't make it if it's held too early.
Never mind la, we can escort you and Sharon back to your house savely....hahaha....

Sandra, thanks for your suggestion to invite us to your house.
Can propose this suggested gathering next month.
Hmmm..... 23rd Dec.......... Probably will be very free that time.....hahaha..... :)
Aiya, Ace, come to KL and join us this Christmas la.
Don't sigh alone in Penang.
Okie... On 11th November.. i'm going with my friends to Bukit Jalil for TheExtremeNights.. anybody going there?
danny, i'm going. what time you reach?

guys, anyone else going?

Sorry guys. I didn't make it.
How was the show?
Mind to Share your extreme experience here? hahaha....
BS, how come u din't meet any 1 of them?
Daniel, Danny & Darren, u all meet?
all with initial "D" FFK me.
I didn't see any Danny from Melaka.

I'm the only Tiburon in the parking. *Sad*
can see a lot of Celica in the parking, to give support to their mate in the show or competition i guess.
BS dun "merajuk" lar... Me tired liao working & then looking high & low for HU yesterday... some more no confirmed time to go leh...
BS, at least you represent our club to the show. hahaha...

Darren, how's your hunting adventure for the HU?

Danny, did you attend TXN?
frankly speaking. the TNX extreme night lack of 1 thing, korean car
zero korean car in the show.

Coupe, Getz, Accents are those popular model ppl mod it.

We have the supercharged Tuscani in US which can beat M3 flat, 350HPS turbocharged 1.8L Beta engine on RD1 at Korea. It show the potential of Korean car, fast with high safety feature.

If I were to take the initiative, the price is not cheap and that's what I can't afford now :biggrin:

Maybe next year Danny can join the competition. :)

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