male also kena rape

Her bf can't perform so her sexy gf find us lo.He should be scold himself first before scold us

u mean trransferring his rights to urz??

Kewl man!! u rocks!! haha
Is true,if a gal bf can't perform well.Sure she must find a new target to fulfill it to statisfied herself.I mean high sexual desire gal la not all gal
ky69 said:
Is true,if a gal bf can't perform well.Sure she must find a new target to fulfill it to statisfied herself.I mean high sexual desire gal la not all gal

do you happen to know where such girls hang out often? :_:

kelvio said:
wah na_power u have the experiance hor lol

if got hot chick wanna rape me ok no prob just ask,no need pills to make me sleepy cos if im a sleep no fun jor!!!....cannot do alot of style lol


suggest the same :P
ExceL said:
do you happen to know where such girls hang out often? :_:

I am still finding in malaysia.If someone know where to get this kind of girls also let me know ok?Last time i kena before when i study in UK.In malaysia still finding
For y'all who asked to be raped by hot chicks, be dang wary. They're the most dangerous. They may end up tying you up and when you're fully conscious, they may skin your penis without anesthetic.
Few years back,i am freshie in Uni.My roomate is local,he bring me hang out at pub and he intro his sister to me.Her sister is friendly,her looks boleh tahan.We chat and she belanja me a beer.I feel pening after 30 minutes.Both of them fetch me go to his sis room.When i wake up i only know i end up at female dorm.I quickly dress and panjat pipe to go back to male dorm.Luckily no one notice me.If not i will kick out from the UNI.When i back to my own room,my friend ask me.Do u have nice sex?That time i have no experience in sex.I just said "YES".He said her sis like asian man.So i am victim and i have swollen balls and pisang for few days.I dunno how many times i cum.

Due to ZTH forum is "Tontonan Umum".I can't write so details to let u guys know or else become 18SX
lucky guy lar u!

juz pay for the price of swollen bebola ikan n goreng pisang,

satria_95 said:
For y'all who asked to be raped by hot chicks, be dang wary. They're the most dangerous. They may end up tying you up and when you're fully conscious, they may skin your penis without anesthetic.

You, sir, have a beautiful and colourful mind

ky69 said:
Few years back,i am freshie in Uni.My roomate is local,he bring me hang out at pub and he intro his sister to me.Her sister is friendly,her looks boleh tahan.We chat and she belanja me a beer.I feel pening after 30 minutes.Both of them fetch me go to his sis room.When i wake up i only know i end up at female dorm.I quickly dress and panjat pipe to go back to male dorm.Luckily no one notice me.If not i will kick out from the UNI.When i back to my own room,my friend ask me.Do u have nice sex?That time i have no experience in sex.I just said "YES".He said her sis like asian man.So i am victim and i have swollen balls and pisang for few days.I dunno how many times i cum.

Due to ZTH forum is "Tontonan Umum".I can't write so details to let u guys know or else become 18SX

which Uni? can help me get there?:_: Can believe your roommate basicly gave you his sister, for 1 night...damn.
That's a good story - worth reading twice.

Then again, what if "You're willing, and I'm ... hmm ... just looking for a release?". Happens too often anywhere isn't it ... Even in Zerotohundred ...

Just another on the statistic chart ... Hoo Ah ...
ExceL said:
You, sir, have a beautiful and colourful mind

which Uni? can help me get there?:_: Can believe your roommate basicly gave you his sister, for 1 night...damn.

That day,i become a victim because his sister going to London to have job so i become a victim.My roommate said he don't know where to find a asian chinese guy for his sister so i am the right choice.I wish to have 2nd and 3rd night la:_:
satria_95 said:
For y'all who asked to be raped by hot chicks, be dang wary. They're the most dangerous. They may end up tying you up and when you're fully conscious, they may skin your penis without anesthetic.
they will also take your kidney and sell it at black market............
Last edited:
ky69 said:
That day,i become a victim because his sister going to London to have job so i become a victim.My roommate said he don't know where to find a asian chinese guy for his sister so i am the right choice.I wish to have 2nd and 3rd night la:_:

whahaha i like tha panjat pipe part hahahaha

whahahaha dunno is his sister or her friend pork chop lol
u say u already pening and blur blur so u dont know who rape u lar lol
swollen pisang mean that they gang bang u arrr
Nevermind already is history,We keep it as sweet memory.I dunno how many gals have slept with that day but i wake up is his sis beside me

ky69, becareful wor,

mayb they asked 20 ppl to gang bang u when u drunk,



juz kidding
20 people gang bang?I think i can't pee for few days
Hope malaysia have gang bang session for ZTH member (who are interested and like kena rape)
kinda cool , but against law,


KIDS out there! dont try this at home@!!
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