Klang Anyone?

Wuahaha, after TT only i see so many ppl willing to fetch me. Thank u guys ! Apreaciate that alot !
Muacks ~~ hope u guys dont mind me kissin u. uwahahahahah dman gay
nabeh.. You Gay gang tailor wan ma....Kissing ppl at there nvm want hahaha...If got girls let you kiss more nice la...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

since we din discuss it 2nite den nevermind other day la.. me n seng will try to listen to ur comments and den feedback to u.. cause 2nite tok many thing about char kuat liao.. ahhahahahahahahahahaha!!

de gay club is de bryan in CRX one... u go kiss him la he sure love u more den us one.. wahahahahahahahahahaahaha!!!!

errrrr i saw ur car in eerrrrrrrr my dream when i tengah sleeping.. wahahaahahahahahahaa!!!

good morning ahseng taiko!

damm... i sit beside kobee last nite lucky he not horny that time
and come n give me a kiss... yesterday went round2 with kobee
n tnesh.. mamak free show... worker kena few punch by the NL sitting
beside us which make noise wan.. hahaha!!
police come all cabut...
morning fatality hengtai...hahaha yalar, luckily kobee didnt kiss or molest u la..if nt sure u will be bad luck till whole week la...hahahaha! but last nite the NL damn kaw cun & TL la..hehehe!
hiya dun remind me ma.. tonite i go there ronda ronda see she there or not then kidnap her n rape kau her.. wahahahaha~!!!!!!!!!
no problem.. when?? when?? hahaha..
scared beh tahan then shoot at her then how? =p
seng chai,
yo man.. was doing some assignment touch up and oso chatting a bit le.. later oso kena bungkus oso kena tidor as well.. wahahahahahahahahaha!!!

yalar come la we 3 go upstairs and char kuat so u ask de NL semalam one char kuat u la... whahahahahahahaah!
seng chai,
yo man.. was doing some assignment touch up and oso chatting a bit le.. later oso kena bungkus oso kena tidor as well.. wahahahahahahahahaha!!!

yalar come la we 3 go upstairs and char kuat so u ask de NL semalam one char kuat u la... whahahahahahahaah!

oh yeah..eh fatality we recommend u to ask the NL la...see she interested on the mission or not...if yes then let us know la....hehehe!
wah ahseng taiko there so many rooms one by one find meh.. die lo like that.. hahaha
wah u also wanna join subang geng jor ar.. after mike taiko rotan u =p hehehe
Haiyo Fatality who tak kenal?......Hey Fatality.. u still remember yesterday Nite TT..when u wan open ur driver side door to chow..then got 1 group of rempit sitting at the table there..call you tailor. sia...Sorry taiko sorry taiko Walan eh........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
cau hai, u guys cannot chat slower a bit one meh ?
knn, one day come have to read one new page. Snn.

NOTICE : Fatality's car had become a BOXER Type-Z. Why ? Ask him urself. wuahaha
sure la they called tailo at fatality cause he memang tailo mah somemore his eyes power at scanning, he smile less, he dun smile unnecessarily, he will look at u sharp in the eyes so those mat fella sure respect him and one more i forgot to say he drives honda wif Type-Z new muffler now tuned by Mugen power.... wahahahahahahahahaahahhahahah!!!!

wah!!! y suddenly all becom tailow already?? liek gangster only!!! kekekkeeee
go where char kuat?? i also wan 2 go... btw i'm new here.. hope can learn a lot of things frm u guys.. u all got TT wan ar?? when is TT ar??

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