Kissing and hugging in public is illegal ! Huh ??


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Helmet Clan
Mar 3, 2005
Guys, do you all read the newspaper lately. Anyone found kissing or hugging in public areas will be fine. What' wrong with their brain ?

What's your opinion ? I think its silly. Saw the article few days back but don't know which VIP said the asean culture can't accept people kissing or hugging in public areas. How true is that ?

Today saw the article in SIN CHEW HIT POH where some MCA and DAP members protested the above matter.

Do you feel annoy to see couple kissing ? or hugging ? to me its nothing.
soon we'll be lining up girls is girl,boys is mo coed schools,lrt front half for females,back half for malls east wing for men, west wing for women...that time come,i really roflmao
non muslim included is it ? i dunno wat to say. Maybe they want to show how 'alim' they are.
Malaysia is moving backword, goverment is trying to apply muslim law on non-muslim as well.

UNMO and PAS, what's the different? The line is very blurr for me now.

if you watch old Malay movie (black and white), most of the malay lady in the movie don't wear tudung, and now PDRM IG give instruction to all female officer (muslim and non-muslim) to wear tudung.

1963, Malaysia is NOT an Islamic country
2006, Malaysia is an Islamic country (well, that's according to Tun Mahathir)

Even islamic country like Brunei don't have that stupid rules.

No kissing and hugging in the public, will it help to reduce family rape case? so?
don't hug and kiss in the public but go back and rape your own daughter or grand daughter.
thteh expenditious, they are banning all sorts of kissing no matter light kiss or what ?

Actually, there's nothing wrong with kissing in public right ? They said could harm the Malaysian image woh....:emoticon_U: stupid excuses only.

if husband and wife kiss also kena saman. what would you feel if you were kissing u gf or wife then those officer issue u a saman ? i think i will laugh like hell man.

They will write "Jenis kesalahan: cium-cium tak terhenti di tempat awam"....Hahahaha:_:
if they want to apply those law to muslim, I can understand it and i don't give a fuck, because that's due to their religious (the so call sensitive issue). But why you want to cover non-muslim as well?

Vision 2020? MY ASS!!
When i saw the news. I was like Huh ? WTF ? scratching my head also.
My mum told me when they were young that time. They hug or kiss in taman taman. No one bothers about them but why now they so eager to catch those couples kissing and hugging. Better put more effort to catch thieves and robbers. Also pay more attention to the countries development rather than this kind of sesame story.

Next time when going to the taman with my girl better becareful. When things got romantic just as the both of our lips get closerand closer an officer camouflage in leaves and branches will jump out from nowhere. "Berhenti, anda dikena saman kerana ingin mencium-cium" Hahahaha:_:
TitanRev said:
Next time when going to the taman with my girl better becareful. When things got romantic just as the both of our lips get closerand closer an officer camouflage in leaves and branches will jump out from nowhere. "Berhenti, anda dikena saman kerana ingin mencium-cium" Hahahaha:_:
show him your middle finger while you 2 continue your kissing.
thought everything started in kl...penang stil safe but guess it wont go anywhere la...
they will say macam macam like it's 'yellowish culture' la...
wtf..if such, imagine everytime when u watch movie, when it come to any kissing scene(worse case, hugging scene)....BLANK suddenly....
sooner or later, even the word 'i love u' oso cannot say...
it will be :
pertuturan yang bakal menuju kepada perlakuan tidak senonoh seperti keinginan bercium dan berpeluk....
"the more restrictions there is,the more ppl will do it..."
i learnt that in school...always say cannot wear buckle belt,gel hair,long nails...evryone had it all...haha
after entering college,no one to nag at me to cut i volunteered to cut short hair n its been since 7yrs back...LOL
TitanRev said:
What's your opinion ? I think its silly. Saw the article few days back but don't know which VIP said the asean culture can't accept people kissing or hugging in public areas. How true is that ?

I'm asian and I don't have a problem with a couple displaying their affection for one another as long as it's not x-rated lah. Hmmm... actually I've no problem with that either:regular_smile:

What a stupid ruling. Muhibah my ass. It's not unacceptable in my culture or religion so why should I have to conform? Will I suddenly develop the urge to pillage and rape homes just because I saw a couple kissing? In fact, I think it's the opposite. The more you deprive someone of something, the more likely they are to do it. Haven't they learnt that by now?
hmm...let say i'm the G...i will not allow kissing and huging when teh higging and kissing get to another level...taht one is really annoying la...

anotehr level as in..touch here touche there..everyhwre touch touch..kiss until like already...this one sure ust say sumthin cos no moral and no respect ma...rite anot?..

dunno if you guys agree with me mou..

but if it's like kiss kiss..say good bye or kiss kiss..say i love you..liek that still okay ma...

if they really implement this saman thing..might as well come out wiht a sensor

'sensor ciuman versi 2.5'
sesetiap warganaergara malaysia mesti memakai sensor berikut, sikaramya didapati bercium -cium dikawasan awam, info info yang difahamkan oleh sensor akan dihantar terus ke Pihak polis melalui kawalan gigi-biru.
we are going later become like taliban ruling in afghanistan ...and then finally the western assume we are "terrorist" country and finally US declare war on us......

is this the future?
wow...imagine if this would to happen

A mother who has not met her son in 30 years hears that he is finally coming home. She reaches the airport and sees him at the arrival hall. Unable to control her emotions, she goes up to him, kisses him on the cheeks and hugs while crying.

Minutes later, they are charged with indecency, sent off in a police patrol car to be jailed for a year. Fantastic!!!

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