Joining MLOC

thanks for your interest in mloc.. !
i'll keep it simple.. all is required is an original mitsubishi lancer chasis regardless of which model (mx,glx,gdi...) come join us in a tt session with your ride and register with us officially.. with a small annual fee! your'll get a mloc t-shirt, club sticker and membership card. plus you will get updates on events! tt's, gatherings, launches, convoy's, and mloc traffic news (if any members encounter or saw a road block, massive jam, flood, or any kind of interesting traffic updates)

bro leslie,
east malaysia can join ?? hahaha
eeeeeeh.. Labuan can join ar? kekeke:_: How to join ar? Cannot bring my Evo to TT in KL leh
hehehehe j/k:_:
once you got a group of lancer / evo you can form a mloc team in labuan!!!hehehe
leslie said:
once you got a group of lancer / evo you can form a mloc team in labuan!!!hehehe

me alone hunt down all the lancer and evo? hehehe want meh... later those taiko pijak me leh...:_: :_: :_: I am very new to mitsubishi cars...

Any others Labuan Evos owner reading this? If got, pm me and we can get a small gathering started..:emoticon_U:
in future if you manage to 'recruit' members to form mloc in labuan, let me know!!! i will personally fly down there to meet you guys and pass you guys the MLOC FLAG!!!!
if you down in KL, just give us a buzz!! we go TT!!!
just PM b18c-r, s9, or myself your phone number and we will contact you!!
hahaha like saiyuke can we join for tt...hahaha ...


come down to kk....seem like lot e9 in kk now...let's form the MLOC here...cheerzz.!!
then u should fly down to kuching first ma..hahahah..come together with s9 and other members.. and bring us the mloc flag...lolz :P
yaya bro leslie, bring the mloc flag to kk as well....

make one tt to invite new member ma....and from ur MLOC power ... bring out the crowd of lancer in our area...expend from the mother group ....
slj said:
hahaha like saiyuke can we join for tt...hahaha ...


come down to kk....seem like lot e9 in kk now...let's form the MLOC here...cheerzz.!!

hehehe good idea! You take the lead lah, i follow. heheehe:_:
sure or not....when u gonna come down to kk first....
u fast fast group up the evo's in i know most of the e9 in Lb is owned by uncle one...rite???

i will try to make fren with those evossss in kk first...haha
good good!!! i'm now very excited to come over to KK man....also dropping labuan as well!!!!..... let me finish planning and schedueling all our monster events for mloc in KL first..hehe lots to do man!!! then i will sure come down to KK / labuan to meet you guys!!!

Cheers man!!!!
The FUTURE of MLOC KK and Labuan
You guys ROCK!!!!!
bro leslie,
good oh good oh....i'll looking forward for the MLOC east m'sia...remember to contatc me when u r on schedule to our destination....LOL

come donw kk on coming xmas oh...let's have a evo convoy....haha
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