how is the skyline 350gt?


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Nov 15, 2008
how is the skyline 350gt? how do u guys comment this car??? sorry, my english poor, i saw this car exterior is not bad, quite nice.:proud:
same engine wit Z33, but car is slightly heavier than Z33

there r few in kk, saw one BOT but ended up in workshop....
z33?z33 is fairlady 350z???wat is eneded up in workshop?so how do u feel with 350gt?can buy? or don buy?
Its not that bad. Top Secret tuned one to 720ps and did 340kmh on the autobahn..
i think the thread starter is talking bout a stock 350GT at the moment although the TopSecret 341kmh run is very tempting. Its the same as a 350z only with additional extra space for rear seats and slightly heavier chasis.
the top secret one ditched the vq35 though and used vk45. but vq35 still has alot of potential.
"This is a Cefiro!" (Tsuchiya negatively describing the performance of the V35 Skyline)
The 350GT is a great car to drive. You get the performance of a 350Z and you can fit 4 people into the car... :biggrin:

Oh ya... another thing... if you want girls to look, get at 350Z. Only guys will know how to appreciate a 350GT... hahaha... talking from experiance.
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The 350GT is a great car to drive. You get the performance of a 350Z and you can fit 4 people into the car... :biggrin:

Oh ya... another thing... if you want girls to look, get at 350Z. Only guys will know how to appreciate a 350GT... hahaha... talking from experiance.

but modified 350gt bodykits can be very nice look, i saw nice...
Sure... spend RM10K and order a wide bodykit from Japan or US.. cos Malaysia... tadak!

order from japan or us!!!:banghead::banghead: years also dono can save so much or not...:bawling: where u from???so mind to know 350gt can buy or not?

sorry o,coz my eng not good...
i tot new skyline G37 coming out soon what?
y not wait for that?
the current skyline G35 juz look so so lo -.-

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