How did your parents discipline you??


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Senior Member
Nov 14, 2003
Today's kids are not as hardcore as they used to be. Most of these kids grow up to be wuss and rude.

I was raised as a material kid. But I wouldn't get anything for being a good kid, but instead my toys would be taken away if I messed up something. Sometimes no dinner punishment. Yes, I had to sleep with an empty stomach. I had to obey whatever these elders said and never fight back. After all these years, I grew up to be fine and cherish everything I have.

Mom used to whip my legs with a belt. Today's moms suck, they will always miss the legs and whip the ground.
Dad used to beat my sorry ass after I kicked my older brother into a freezer.
But I don't hate them at all.

Kids nowaday are all spoiled whinning little brats.
my dad very sayang me 1...but he used to hit me wit belt b4...and fyi,our house used to have a lots of nails..i mean,hanging rotan on the wall...every corner of the house,to allow easy grab if they wanna rotan u!!! :secruity:

hehe,my mom lagi teruk...she used to make me squad in front of the 'ground god'...for 2hours coz i took a sweet from the prayer desk...hehe...naughty ler... :rock:

but that's all for our displine...dat's y i only take llolipops instead of sweets...dat's y i dont like to wear belt now.. :tee:

NOSkill said:
Today's kids are not as hardcore as they used to be. Most of these kids grow up to be wuss and rude.

I was raised as a material kid. But I wouldn't get anything for being a good kid, but instead my toys would be taken away if I messed up something. Sometimes no dinner punishment. Yes, I had to sleep with an empty stomach. I had to obey whatever these elders said and never fight back. After all these years, I grew up to be fine and cherish everything I have.

Mom used to whip my legs with a belt. Today's moms suck, they will always miss the legs and whip the ground.
Dad used to beat my sorry ass after I kicked my older brother into a freezer.
But I don't hate them at all.

Kids nowaday are all spoiled whinning little brats.
Bro, you gotta change with the times. Not all kids who were raised with TLC grow up to be spoilt brats. My brother was raised differently compared to myself and he's grown up to be normal too. It's all a matter of your surrounding and the experiences you have. You can get whipped and belted but if your family is always arguing and fighting among themselves, you're gonna grow up screwed big time too.
i am a very noti boy during small
the hand is bloody itchy wanna damage everything around me ...

my mom beat me with rotan damn keng one ...
and pull my ear .., until it start to PEEL OFF .... :D
can see the skin not attaching the head liao
therefore now i got big fat ear bag :D
Izso said:
Bro, you gotta change with the times. Not all kids who were raised with TLC grow up to be spoilt brats. My brother was raised differently compared to myself and he's grown up to be normal too. It's all a matter of your surrounding and the experiences you have. You can get whipped and belted but if your family is always arguing and fighting among themselves, you're gonna grow up screwed big time too.
I'm not talking about only kids today(my bad), these spoiled kids are every where in all eras.
Yup, that's the influence of bad role model( as parents fighting).
By my first post, I wasn't even talking about pure punishment. My parents never helped me to solve any trouble. "Solve your own fucking problem on your own like a man." That's what my granddad always said.

Seeing teens owing debts to credit card companies, then cry their asses out so that their parents will help make me sick.
i think rite.. parents nowdays control their kid like hell.. kenot go out.. kenot c movie kenot go yum cha.. den when they got de chance to go out from the house.. its like kambing lepas kandang.. thye bcum WILD.. or they hav to move to rumah sewa cuz house too far to college.. they bcum wild.. like total freedom.. dats y now we see so many weird ppl.. ekkeke
Rotan is the solution but children nowadays very smart!
my parents just let me learn it the hard way....but like noskill's parent...if i screw up...they take my precious car...AHAHAHHAHA....knowing that...i always think before i do....
i last i got whipped by my dad's belt....rarely got rotan wan...if comes the leather belt...hahaha....anyway, once my parents locked me at the balcony during the night for god knows how long ler.....hehehe...last time the parents darn ganas ler..
me.ljust like noskills...

material kids but kena rotan here and there and never fight bacvk...

now...just a cherish and at leats i knows what's right and what's wrong.
i think parents nowadays gv a lot of freedom to their kids,simply b'coz they either think dat their kids knw much more then them(coz of different 'era') or they think dat their kids deserve better treatment (jz to keep their kids abreast to the current technologies..).. :albertein

my dad gv me a lot of freedom in making my in my involvement in Leo and Junior CHambers international and Red Crescent Society....but dat was all coz they don have enough time spend wit us..(i mean,me n my little brother),(after 12years) i got a sis and both of us really 'buli' her coz she take things for in asking for new bag after a year of shoe every 2/3 vcd of new movies....comic books... :mad:
aiyo...if i really ask for all dat when i'm young....i'll kena sebat kau kau!!! :secruity: brother was smart too...he used to slipped some comic books at his,when my dad whipped him...he'll just pretend to be in ass!! :secruity:
i'm da stupid 1....i only knw how to gv my hand...(cannot cover)...then,cry alone in da bathroom,after dat...came out,pretend nothing happened... :rock:

4agze said:
Rotan is the solution but children nowadays very smart!
bikinigal said: brother was smart too...he used to slipped some comic books at his,when my dad whipped him...he'll just pretend to be in ass!! :secruity:
i'm da stupid 1....i only knw how to gv my hand...(cannot cover)...then,cry alone in da bathroom,after dat...came out,pretend nothing happened... :rock:

That's what we did in school, hehehe.
But my parents are so badass, I didn't dare to cheat on them. I would take it like a man, and moan on it.
can't say that abt my parents, hiding comic in the butt, that trick won't be useful to me, as both of my parents are teacher ~!! they know every tricks under the sleves, so i gotta take it like a man....hehehehehe...
thorence74 said:
can't say that abt my parents, hiding comic in the butt, that trick won't be useful to me, as both of my parents are teacher ~!! they know every tricks under the sleves, so i gotta take it like a man....hehehehehe...
Life was hard back then.....:D
The thing is, parents these days don't discipline or guide their children properly. Their idea of caring for their child is giving whatever the kid wants but they don't take their time to teach their kids on how to become a better person. In other words, parents these days are providers and guardians but not teachers, which is the most essential part. Like most creatures on this planet, what your parents teach you is hugely important, especially so for humans because we lack a lot of natural instincts and thus needs to be taught almost everything. And modern parents just aren't doing that. They expect others to do the teaching. And I don't think beating or taking the hardline on your kid works for everyone. Not every kid respond to it the same way. Some need to be beaten, some need to be spoken to slowly. It is the parents job to understand their child and choose the best way of educating them.
well, life was hard, but not as hard as u are son to teachers, both somemore ~!!! i was expected to be gloom properly with polite manner, but i was totally different, hack, guess i give both my parents some heart breaking moments....hehehehee...

but at least i still study in a different school from my parents, my younger was worst, he got to enrol into my mom's school during primary and my dad's school during secondary.... talk abt totally lost of freedom ~!!!
last time my mom used to rotan my sisters.. then after that.. she seldom liao... when i was younger.. if i did something wrong,, my mom would scold me and ask me to squat at the floor infront of the "guan dei" then say i am sorry...
but usually school very dicipline.. always rotan me one... cos i dun do homework.. or copy answers haha.. my last sister born my mom just scold only.. and dun let her play games only .. not really punnish her... so manja.. >_<
failling in subjects oso still can relax ah my sis
kesian... :albertein

thorence74 said:
can't say that abt my parents, hiding comic in the butt, that trick won't be useful to me, as both of my parents are teacher ~!! they know every tricks under the sleves, so i gotta take it like a man....hehehehehe...
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