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Feb 18, 2004
Guys,Toyota Sifus....

Any1 using GFB BOV?? Model in particular is the Stealth....100% Adjustable....I'm just doin some research here on this BOV as the current 1 is leaking. By the way, i'm using a Toyota AFM engine.....

Called up Tops SMS and it costs 1.4k man!!! tats a lil too pricey. But if it is worth it, i'm willin to buy it....

Any comments/information is much appreciated!
hey cress,

the GFB stealth is NOT tat expensive dude... should only b about RM1K or jus a bit over that... however i think these australian-made blow-offs r actually very good and yeap the stealth FX is adjustable and quiet, but still vaguely audible and it gives off a nice whistling sound... damn nice hehe! funny u should b interested in this one hahaha cos GFB is famous and notorious for f.ckin loud BOV's! hehe! if ur real interested i can secure a good price for u if u wan ok? PM me if u wan mo info ok? cheers dude hope this helps man.

the method
so sorry cress my mistake - yes the stealth FX blow-off valve by GFB is about RM1300-1400 man.... depending on where u buy it la.... u can also check the prices on their official website (listed in ozzy dollars, jus multiply by about 2.8)...

sorry i was thinkin of another BOV when i typed my reply 2u a few days back.... oops! :blink:
the gfb blow off valve is really good..the adjustable sound one is the first the world..emm they vigorously test them up to 120psi i think if not mistaken...highly recommended :D
GFB BOVs are tested to sustain 7bar of pressure without leakage. The RRP is around rm$1.5K and it's the world one and only adjustable volume BOV. There are few models for Stealth FX.. particularly to suit some models of cars or universal type. Then there is add on Stealth FX accessory - whistling trumpet.. to make it sound better. The trumpet is around rm$100++

PM me if u're interested
what up stealth,

i'm using the GFB bovus maximus (it's one of the cheaper ones la hehehe) blow-off on my GSR and man it is BITCH LOUD dude... well yea i like a loud blow-off sound but shit i didn't know it would b THAT loud hahaha! all in all a good buy... scares the shit out of people when i'm revving past dude hahaha love what it does to the old aunties hahaha!
yeah that bovus is notorious.. scare the shit hella roadside walker.. imagine a stock L2 turbo can boost it loud enough..

u said it rite buddy heheheh! i guess blitz has a new contender in terms of BOV loudness eh? the SSQV and type-s r quite loud but they're becomin too common man so the GFB range of BOV's r a good alternative for those who enjoy more of the 'traditional' WHOOSH kinda sound instead of the 'high-pitched screams' from the SSQV in my opinion...... and i also heard they're very long lasting although a bit pricey even though they come from australia. i wrongly thought that because they come from aust they'd b way cheaper hehe i was wrong... but all in all a good buy... no regretz... yet at least.

just my 2 centz
thanks for sharing yor opinions n exprience.

dude, did u add the trumpet to the bov?
only stealth has add on trumpet..

bovus maximus have 2 trumpets already..

crystal_method, they can withstand really high boost too! but i must say, this traditional WHOOSH is much higher pitch than those conventional ones.. :D
Originally posted by equin0x@Oct 19 2004, 14:17
only stealth has add on trumpet..

bovus maximus have 2 trumpets already..

crystal_method, they can withstand really high boost too! but i must say, this traditional WHOOSH is much higher pitch than those conventional ones.. :D
yeap equinox ur rite.... i initially thought the WHOOSH sound would b the same as the blitz supersound but yup it is definitely more high pitched man but nevertheless F.CKIN nice la dude hehehe! it's even starting 2scare me a little haha cos it is VERY loud man.... when u rev past down the streets u can see all the birds fly out of the trees and heads turn as the GFB bovus maximus lets out the mighty WHOOSHING sound...


anytime bro anytime... u got my number rite hehe jus gimme a call anytime k?


erm which trumpet r u referring to?? if ur asking about the 'whistling trumpet' equinox mentioned no cos i dun think those can b fitted onto mine... i think they only b fitted onto the stealth and stealth FX BOVs... but if u mean the 'volume trumpets' mine already comes with dual trumpets for maximum noise pollution. the trumpets r exactly the same as the old blitz supersound BOV...

i have one thing 2mention that i think u SHOULD know STEALTH... all the GFB BOVs r damn good however if ur looking for maximum reliability maybe u should go for the GFB Hybrid... if ur looking for noise 2the max then the mach 1 or 2 and the bovus maximus r good 2 have.... since u mention the subject of GSR i heard this straight from one of the GFB suppliers... he mentioned that cars running on the 'air-flow' (like our GSR) sensor r prone 2having idling problems and boost problems also when using the bovus maximus.... it does not leak but it does cause stalling thus it's not a smooth transition between shifts (bit jerky). SOME r lucky however some r not that's y they opt for the GFB hybrid BOV - it releases half the excess pressure into the atmosphere while the other half is re-circulated or 'plum-backed'... 40% will b unlucky 2not b able 2use the bovus on their mass air-flow sensor engines while the rest r safe.... sifus and BOV experts pls correct me if i'm wrong i'm just putting down all that was told 2me by one of the GFB suppliers.... maybe EQUINOX can give some feedback on this issue as he knows a lot about GFB stuffs... thanks... :D
yeah still got your number dude, call u this weekend alright :rolleyes:

hey u know ur avatar rite, those blitz gauges... u don't happen 2have any for sale do u?? hehehe! jus thot of asking la cos actually looking for some too...
Crystal dude, I'm trying to look around for shop who are selling them too.. these are the best looking gauges I've seen so far.. :) Do tell me if u found any :)

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