FREE Security Measures

thanks for the few tips.

however, ive picked up from my club's forum that the new tactic used to steal your car in shopping complexes is by placing a paper at your rear window to block your vision..

so once you get back into your car, start your engine, etc., you'll be all ready to move, then you notice a paper, thinking its an advertisement or flier, so you head out to get it!

and that's when the thieves strike because everything you have would be in the car at that point of time and the engine's already running for them.

don't u check your car first before you get in your car, normally check the wheels still there onot.. see any scratches onot.. any weird stuffs on the windscreen front and rear.. see the tyre anybady kacau anything onot.. then only get in and start.. then move away.. make it a habit :)
..maybe shuld keep sum kinda weapon if one is gettin carjacked..i would probably stab the bastard on the spot...
Connect stun gun circuit to alarm system. When in arm mode, it will electrify the whole car. Unsuspecting thieves will receive a 20,000v jolt unless they wear gloves la...
acbc said:
Connect stun gun circuit to alarm system. When in arm mode, it will electrify the whole car. Unsuspecting thieves will receive a 20,000v jolt unless they wear gloves la...

not a bad idea...
acbc said:
Connect stun gun circuit to alarm system. When in arm mode, it will electrify the whole car. Unsuspecting thieves will receive a 20,000v jolt unless they wear gloves la...

if short circuit ??? kena back .......
Dangerous .....

Put a poisonless snake inside the car ..... Hantu pun lari ......
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