ford laser tx3


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Senior Member
Aug 27, 2005
anyone here can suggest me about ford laser tx3
about spare part and body part hard to get ?
is that expensive?
plz suggest
Why you asking? Plan to buy ka? Which model of TX3 and what year?
ya plan to buy this car now still consider honda ex and toyota se and ford tx3
well is that honda ex type year 88-91 and toyota corrola se 89-92 and ford tx3 2 doors ... which one better in term of maintain and spare parts ... and the price of the spare parts also
i dont know about the honda and toyota se...but i think commonly for old cars, it is normal when it comes to finding spare manong says, still can find...but have to work a lil bit lorh...but its 1.8 DOHC engine is kindda powerfull...hehe...
hahaa we all mazda/ford kaki but if u want my honest opinion... toyota se... toyota spare parts like bulu man... everywhere u go also got...
My honest opinion for Ford

Fuel consumption = consider high
Spare part = New one if have consider expensive. Second hand one can search at chop-shop but have to work hard lah.
Pick up = power full (this one very sure)
Second hand value = :(
Design & accessories= more advance compared to other maker in the same class.
last time when i was using the old engine...i got around 60km/rm10 fuel...i thot it was like ok one...since u guys mention it kindda high, how much u guys get from rm10 fuel?
the other day i was trying my car fuel ... i pump in rm20 of fuel in it and inside the tank have about rm5 i drove it till the car have no fuel i got 116km. i dont know high or ok the fuel consumption.. but i running with b8 180 and vr4 450cc injector lah...
hmm.. m car 10 bux roughly max oso 35 km la.. nvr press..
if press... 20 bux gone in 15 mins... hahahha..
mine is or not...still budget rm10/50km...

ur car im sure is not standard anymore...hehe...using shell racing is it?
no la... still shell super.. supposed to be the most petrol saving one rite? not working for me... haha..
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