finding Cheap Turbo Timer


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Senior Member
Jan 14, 2007
Any one have cheap cheap turbo timer? around rm100... some more it can be set in SECOND one! thanks...
bro i have a turbo timer....which is only RM100.....bought at RM220....but only 1

digit not clear....if u wan gv me your price...but dun too low yaaa..hehe...

can set the second and minute also / manual also can....

FULL wiring....taken out when i sell my car.....

candition 95%....5% is only the word not clear...hehe...but u still can set .....
hey bro evo5229...the timer is what brand? condition still good? which digit not clear, means got one slot cant watch clearly for the digit or wat? thanks for reply....
MotorSport turbo timer....consider good breand d...Rm200 when i bought...

ohkay for example.... 03:00......but only 1 digit not clear....i forget which 1 d....but i can confirm the condition ohkay..means can could...if cannot see cleart..u can see 1....

example... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8....may be the 8 look like 5.....or 5 look like u still can guess..because 7 can see the cuming up is 8 lo..

ohkay laa...lets us test at any acc shop izit ok...

location..sunway.....NIlai anytime....thankss bro...i just keep in my store room.......really wan 2 let go 1......lets us try together....

i wash until nice d.....hehehe where is your location? rm70 sell or not?
hehe... if possible make COD at where?
hehe...we meet and hv a teh tarik la..then i show u...explaine esier ma...

price aa..hehe....we talk on dealing laa.....ohkay....sure not more than Rm100 la..

im staying in sunway....this friday i will go sunway piramid... watch movie..soo....
hey bro...may i have your contact? friday night time can ah? around 8.... meet at subang food court ok? beside the college one!!!!
Lonza Japan Turbo Timer...

pen type, can set minute n set up to 1-15min, and 0-50sec together...

also can measure exhaust temp, if u find the sensor la
qpywsqp said:
hey bro...may i have your contact? friday night time can ah? around 8.... meet at subang food court ok? beside the college one!!!! my no. 012 4215229...

yeah sure im selling bk also......sure see u there yaa.,,...

just hv a look d....thankssss......coz i also not really needed...hehe..thanskss:X-:
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