extra uummppp?????????

Apr 5, 2011
Kuala Lumpur
I heard my fren saids that the new Primax95 XTRA got extra uuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahah. Did anyone know what its means? Can go longer trip or what? Will it cost more compare normal RON95???:biggrin:
boleh percaya ka?

marketing gimmick ajer kot..

but i believe that petronas can come up with such a good fuel coz they have the technology & the $$$.. plus they have their own F1 team..

anyhow, i think it will replace the regular RON95.. so, nothing to complain if they're good or not.. (for the petronas user la.. huhuhu)

boleh percaya ka?

marketing gimmick ajer kot..

but i believe that petronas can come up with such a good fuel coz they have the technology & the $$$.. plus they have their own F1 team..

anyhow, i think it will replace the regular RON95.. so, nothing to complain if they're good or not.. (for the petronas user la.. huhuhu)


Petronas is supposed to be having 10X the money they are having... Lolz.
boleh percaya ka?

marketing gimmick ajer kot..

but i believe that petronas can come up with such a good fuel coz they have the technology & the $$$.. plus they have their own F1 team..

anyhow, i think it will replace the regular RON95.. so, nothing to complain if they're good or not.. (for the petronas user la.. huhuhu)


haiyah nowaday it's all abt marketing lol..what's new...
anyway they are having a lesson abt the fuel hehe...free to go or not?
ive been using it for days now, and what i can tell is, its better then the old petronas primax ron95
pricing is still 1.90, knocking considerably lesser than the old 95 primax...so i think this is a much better fuel
extra power with the same price..that's drive me to pump it lol..so far pump 1 tank but me no car expert so do not feeling anything yet hehe....but the staff said normally take fea tanks to see differences lol....wait n see then
feel responsive on mine compared to the old one....new addictive i think...but the fuel doesn't last long before i need to refuel....or it maybe my right foot syndrome?

From that experiment, i concluded that BHP is the most powerful RON95 of all brands in Malaysia..

because it has the biggest fire..

Big fire = Big explosion on ignition = More RPM = More Power..

Juz my RM0.02

From that experiment, i concluded that BHP is the most powerful RON95 of all brands in Malaysia..

because it has the biggest fire..

Big fire = Big explosion on ignition = More RPM = More Power..

Juz my RM0.02


ha....you r rite...but try petronas primax extra first....coz you will take back your words. bhp is not like a year ago....the car feels heavy when accelerating
ha....you r rite...but try petronas primax extra first....coz you will take back your words. bhp is not like a year ago....the car feels heavy when accelerating

ya lor..

coz the experiment was done with the petronas old RON95..

need to redo the experiment

I've used most of fuel brand. Finally i've found Caltex is much more better compare to other in RON95 category.

Currently my manual sedan using Petronas RON95, my automatic MPV using Caltex RON95, and sport car using Shell RON97.

Afterall, my automatic MPV had more pick-up accelaration compare with my manual sedan.

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