Don't click on URL sent via MSN


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 27, 2004
If u get a message from anybody to the following url, please don't click. It's a virus.
lol! see it! u'll like it

Please don't click!!!!
yalar fark juz kena n accidentally click..
now my frens in msn automatically open n request them to click..
farkkkkkk not only i opened , it came out some bullshit words in my mozilla and i open and open again more than 10 times!!!
The .pif file is executable on any Windows machine. :o Pls do not click!
InitialD - Thanks for the warning,hope others will do the same in the future if they come across anything like this.

But people,never.EVER. click on suspicious extentions,or links on the net.You can easily lookup whats the extention for,simple type in *.<extention> in any search engine,for example: in > search > *.pif
wow.. i got click.. but the page fail to load.. den i faster close..sense sumthin fishy
mine comes with the titles "topless miniskirt" or sumthing like that <_<
Kena also. I got it from my wifey so I didn't suspect a damn thing. Buta buta kena. Watsed my time trying to clean the shit.

For those who kena:
1) Get Ad-aware or some other spyware removal tool.
2) Scan with antivirus, updated of course.
3) Go into your registry to remove the load of shit that is left there (this is more difficult).

For more info, go here:
if cannot can try this

1. go to
2. search for avg
3. download the free version and install then update
4. scan and it will clean automatically

Originally posted by extrememech@Mar 8 2005, 13:07
if cannot can try this

1. go to
2. search for avg
3. download the free version and install then update
4. scan and it will clean automatically

I'm afraid not. Not all of the files are recognisable as viruses. Most of the crap it downloads into your system is spyware. So a spyware removal tool is better. Plus you still have to remove the shit it pumps into your registry. Otherwise the worm starts everytime your Windows starts, and it keeps on pumping more shit into your system ie. more spyware.
got infected ler, how argh ???

ad-aware /norton also cannot detect it.plz help.
hahaha... i already know bout this.. but i still click it.. hehehe nothing happened... i think bcoz i'm running on OS X
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